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larjona edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 6 revisions

Meeting postponed to Friday 2016/09/23 at 20:00 UTC


Feel free to add to this before the meeting!

  • Conservancy Application update
  • code development
    • 1.0.0 release
    • Release procedure (e.g. signing?)
    • Does utml-to-jade imply semver-major?
      • If so I (strugee) would like to release 2.0.0 soon
      • But generally it seems unsustainable
    • Express 3.x update
    • Telemetry (#1187)
    • Removing plugins (for now) (#1194)
      • Other option: explicitly state that they won't be semver-major
    • Code coverage (#1193)
    • ActivityStreams 2.0?
    • (If we have time) weird code in lib/ and test/
  • Community governance and sustainability
  • Node adoption (sponsoring, administering)
  • Adoption of non-node related websites (e.g. OpenFarmGame,
  • Governance (non-profit status/application)
  • Funding
  • Other stuff
  • T-shirt designs
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