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PokerNook GraphQL API

Development Setup

Recommended Tools

  • Node.js
  • Docker Desktop
  • VS Code

Clone the repo, then run:

npm install # Install project dependencies

docker-compose up --detach # Run the database(s) with Docker

npm run dev # Run the app

NPM Scripts Overview

npm run dev # Create a hot-reloading GraphQL server

npm run lint # Lint the project

npm run typecheck # Type-check the project

npm run build # Build application for deployment


Pull Request Guidelines

  • Pushes to main will get deployed to production, so all development should be done in dedicated branches.

  • Checkout a topic branch from the relevant branch (i.e. main), and merge back against that branch.

  • If you add or change a model in the Prisma schema, be sure to also add the relevant database migration and seed.