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Peter Midford edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 4 revisions

This table contains rows that represent participants. Participants translate into either OWL class expressions or OWL individuals with associated axioms. So leg1 part_of (some Tetragnatha straminea) is a participant. So is leg1_003. In the second case, the participant will also specify axioms about the individual (such as its part_of properties). Rows in this table represent the roots of DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) that link classes/individuals via relations or intersection/union class expressions. These rows also carry human readable strings capturing the way the participant was described in the publication.

The taxon, substrate, and anatomy fields are probably obsolete or may be re-purposed in an update to the web app.

The participant table currently has 48 rows.

Field Type Null Default Comment
id int NO NULL primary key, auto increments
taxon int YES NULL foreign key to term
substrate int YES NULL foreign key to term
anatomy int YES NULL foreign key to term
quantification varchar(16) YES NULL class/individual expression type
generated_id varchar(512) YES NULL may be obsolete
publication_taxon varchar(512) YES NULL taxon as appears in publication
label varchar(512) YES NULL
publication_anatomy varchar(512) YES NULL anatomy as it appears in publication
publication_substrate varchar(512) YES NULL substrate as it appears in publication
publication_text varchar(512) YES NULL source text from publication
participation_property int YES NULL foreign key to property; relationship property to claim
head_element int YES NULL foreign key to participant_element; main element (links to claim)
uidset int YES NULL foreign key to uidset