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Api for Phrase Strings solution

.Net Library for interfacing with Phrase Strings api

Supported functions for now :

  • Projects
    • GetAll
    • GetAll(wildcard query)
    • GetByName
    • Add
    • GetLocales
    • AddLocale
  • Translations
    • GetAll(projectId, perPage = 100, page)
    • GetByLocale
    • GetByKey
    • Add
    • Update
  • Keys
    • GetAll
    • GetById
    • GetByName
    • Search
    • Add
    • Delete
  • Webhooks
    • GetAll
    • Add
    • Update
    • ActionFilterAttribute to manage Phrase webhook request integrity

Get startred

Get an API key (Token) from your Phrase account

Open your statup.cs, and use that code :

services.AddPhraseStrings("Your Token");

For test project you have to change settings from appsettings.json file

  "Phrase": {
    "TokenAPI": "[Your Token]",
    "TestProjectId": "[A Project Id]"

Enjoy !

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