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This repository contains the source code and input data used for the benchmarks for: hictk: blazing fast toolkit to work with .hic and .cool files (preprint available soon).

Input data download, subsequent analyses and benchmarks are automated using Nextflow and Singularity/Apptainer.

Docker images availability

Docker images are hosted on GHCR and can be found in the Packages page of this repository.

Images were generated using the build*dockerfile.yml GHA workflows using the Dockerfiles from the containers folder.

Nextflow workflows

Nextflow workflows under preprocessing/workflows and benchmarks/workflows were developed and tested using Nextflow v23.04.1, and should in principle work with any version supporting Nextflow DSL2.

Each workflow is paired with a config file (see preprocessing/configs and benchmarks/configs folders). As an example, preprocessing/workflows/ is paired with config preprocessing/configs/fetch_data.config.


  • Access to an internet connection (required to download input files and Docker images)
  • Nextflow v20.07.1 or newer
  • Apptainer/Singularity (tested with Apptainer v1.2.2)

Running workflows

Please make sure Nextflow is properly installed and configured before running any of the workflows.

The following workflows should be executed first, as they download and prepare files required by other workflows.


The workflow requires internet access and can fail for various reason (e.g. connection reset by peer, service temporarily unavailable etc.). In case the workflow fails, wait few minutes, then relaunch the workflow.

cd preprocessing/


The rest of the workflows can be run in any order:

cd benchmarks/


Inside the common/configs folder there are the following base configs:

  • base_hovig.config
  • base_linux.config
  • base_saga.config
  • base_macos.config

These configs are passed to all workflows, and define available computation resources. You will most likely have to update one of the configs with resources available on our machine/cluster.

Feel free to use base_saga.config as starting point for a config to run benchmarks on an HPC cluster.

In order to avoid IO bottlenecks when running benchmarks for hictk's paper, input files used in benchmarks were stored on a ram-disk under /dev/shm/. In order to run benchmarks you have two options:

Create folder /dev/shm/2023-hictk-paper/ and copy the following files inside that folder:

  • ENCFF301CUL_cis.bedpe.gz
  • ENCFF301CUL_trans.bedpe.gz
  • ENCFF447ERX.hic8
  • ENCFF447ERX.hic9
  • ENCFF447ERX.mcool

Edit the config files and update variables hic_file, hic8_file, hic9_file and mcool_file to point to files stored under data/ (these files are created by the preprocessing workflows).


hic8_file = "${data_dir}/ENCFF447ERX.hic8"
hic9_file = "${data_dir}/ENCFF447ERX.hic9"
hic_file = "${data_dir}/ENCFF447ERX.hic9"
mcool_file = "${data_dir}/ENCFF447ERX.mcool"