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Aprius edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 5 revisions


Struct helper reference to GlobalComponent. It provides the following support methods

  • DeltaTime : Get deltatime or unscaleDeltaTime based on the passed parameters ETimeMode
  • AddListener : Insert action in specified UpdateMode, UpdateMode is an enum that includes :
    • Update
    • FixedUpdate
    • LateUpdate

Example: Call method CalculatePower inside Update

     App.AddListener(UpdateMode.Update, CalculatePower);
  • RemoveListener : Remove action in specified UpdateMode Example: remove method CalculatePower inside Update if it exists
     App.RemoveListener(UpdateMode.Update, CalculatePower);
  • AddPauseCallback : insert callback inside OnApplicationPause

  • RemovePauseCallback : remove callback inside OnApplicationPause if it exits

  • AddQuitCallback : insert callback inside OnApplicationQuit

  • RemoveQuitCallback : remove callback inside OnApplicationQuit if it exits

  • AddFocusCallback : insert callback inside OnApplicationFocus

  • RemoveFocusCallback : remove callback inside OnApplicationFocus if it exits

  • StartCoroutine : start coroutine by GlobalComponent

  • StopCoroutine : stop coroutine by GlobalComponent

  • ToMainThread : Converts the specified action to one that runs on the main thread. The converted action will be invoked upon the next Unity Update event.

  • RunOnMainThread : Schedules the specifies action to be run on the main thread (game thread). The action will be invoked upon the next Unity Update event.

  • Delay : delay call action, you can insert onUpdate during delay

     App.Delay(2, MoveRight); // Method MoveRight called after 2 seconds
  • CancelDelay : cancel delay process if it still incompleted
     var handle = App.Delay(2, MoveRight);
     App.CancelDelay(handle); // Cancel delay
  • PauseDelay : Pause delay process
     var handle = App.Delay(2, MoveRight);
     App.PauseDelay(handle); // Pause delay
  • ResumeDelay : Resume pause delay process
     var handle = App.Delay(2, MoveRight);
     App.ResumeDelay(handle); // Resume delay

If you want to pause all , cancel all or resume full delay you can use CancelAllDelay, PauseAllDelay, ResumeAllDelay

  • StopAndClean(ref AsyncProcessHandle handle) : Stop coroutine and assign null for handle
private AsyncProcessHandle _handle;


private IEnumerator IeAim()
   // TODO


_handle = App.StartCoroutine(IeAim());


App.StopAndClean(ref _handle); // this is it
  • StopAndReassign : Stop coroutine and assign a new routine for handle
private IEnumerator IeShoot()
   // TODO

App.StopAndClean(ref _handle, IeShoot);
  • StopAndClean(ref DelayHandle handle) : Stop Delay and assign null for handle
private DelayHandle _handle;


_handle = App.Delay(1f, ()=>{});


App.StopAndClean(ref _handle); // This is it
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