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Sample LTI 1.3 Tool that requires a server to handle the LTI launch.


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LTI 1.3 Example

This is a tiny LTI 1.3 tool that shows how a set of HTML/JS/CSS can be deployed as a LTI tool.

This tool uses an external service (Tool Support) to handle the underlying LTI launch and then retrieves the token created in the launch one it's running.

This repository is automatically by:
Build and deploy to GitHub Pages
It can be accessed at:


To develop and run this you need:

You might want to use nvm to download and manage node.js/npm versions. If you do use it then to select the correct version run nvm use in the root of the project (it will use the version specified in .nvmrc).


To get started developing with this project ensure you are using the correct version of node.js and then download all the dependencies:

npm i

If you haven't setup mkcert before install its certificate into your trust store with:

mkcert -install

Generate a certificate for localhost:

mkcert localhost

Then you can start up the development webserver with:

npm start

You should then have the tool running on: https://localhost:3000 and any changes you make locally should be picked up automatically by your browser.


To build a production set of files for this project run:

npm run build

You will get a production optimised set of files in /dist that you can place on a webserver.


To configure this tool to appear in a VLE/LMS you need to setup the configuration in the VLE/LMS and then configure tool support with the new tool. Documentation on configuration for Canvas is included here. Before you start you need to know the URL of the tool support server.

Automatic Configuration

There is lti-auto-configuration that will attempt to automatically configure Canvas and the Tool Support server (it is installed as a development dependency). To use this copy the configuration example:

cp tool-config/local-example.json tool-config/local.json

Then configure the values in local.json to match your setup, if you're using certificates from mkcert for the Tool Support server first run:

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem"

Then to deploy the tool run:

npx lti-auto-configuration -t tool-config/tool-config.json -s tool-config/local.json -ss tool-config/local.json  -c

This should add a copy of the tool and make it available for testing.

  • You should see the developer key configured in (latest keys are at the top): https://<canvas.hostname>/accounts/1/developer_keys
  • The tool should be added and shown in the list on: https://<canvas.hostname>/accounts/1/settings/configurations
  • You can launch the tool by visiting any course and clicking on LTI 1.3 Example on the left hand side navigation.

You can then remove the tool from Canvas and delete the configuration from Tool Support with:

npx lti-auto-configuration -t tool-config/tool-config.json -s tool-config/local.json -ss tool-config/local.json  -d


Create a new LTI Developer Key in your Canvas instance. And set the following values:

  • Key Name: LTI 1.3 Example (human-readable name shown to administrators)
  • Redirect URIs: https:///lti/login
  • Method: Manual Entry
  • Title: LTI 1.3 Example (human-readable name show to tool users)
  • Description: Sample tools
  • Target Link URI: https://localhost:3000/
  • OpenID Connect Initiation Url: https:///lti/login_initation
  • JWK Method: Public JWK URL
  • Public JWK URL: https:///.well-know/jwks.json
  • Additional Settings
    • Custom Data:
    • Privacy: Public
  • Placements: Course Navigation

After saving the Developer Key make a note of the Client ID

Tool Support

To get this tools to launch from a VLE you need to configure the tool server to pass the LTI launch through to your tool. The registration-id needs to be unique but otherwise it can be anything, the client-id needs to be the Client ID from the Developer Key and the provider details are specific to the type of Canvas instance (production / beta / test).

POST /admin/tools
Authorization: Basic {{base64}}
Content-Type: application/json

  "lti": {
    "registrationId": "{{registration-id}}",
    "clientName": "LTI 1.3 Example",
    "clientId": "{{client-id}}",
    "authorizationGrantType": "implicit",
    "redirectUri": "{baseUrl}/lti/login",
    "scopes": [
    "providerDetails": {
      "authorizationUri": "",
      "tokenUri": "",
      "jwkSetUri": ""
  "origins": ["https://localhost:3000"],
  "sign": false


Sample LTI 1.3 Tool that requires a server to handle the LTI launch.








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