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Laur04 committed Nov 6, 2022
1 parent 1637bde commit aecbcc4
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 62 deletions.
195 changes: 133 additions & 62 deletions etc/lg-agent-geant.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,67 +49,138 @@
"refresh_interval": 300,
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"2001:67c:1148:202::/64", "2001:67c:1148:203::/64", "2001:67c:1148:204::/64", "2001:67c:1148:301::/64", "", "", "",
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"", "2607:f8f0:660:2::/64", "2607:f8f0:660:3::/64", "", "", "", "", "2a01:5c40::ffff:d46f:c3c0/122",
"", "2001:720:420:c003::/64", "", "", "2607:f720:1700:1b30::/60", "2607:f720:1700:1b30::/64", "2607:f720:1700:1b32::/64",
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