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Omkar Bait edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

#Welcome to the yarp wiki!

Follwing table describes the parameters required for running yarp. The parameters are supposed to be given in the yaml format.


Parameter Type Values Default Description
band string L String describing the observing band. This parameter will be used in the future, when slightly different strategies might be needed depending on the band.
bandcal list of strings e.g., [3C286, 3C147] null Name of the bandpass calibrator. As of now, the flux calibrator is used for bandpass calibrator. [Feature yet to be added]
fitsfile string null Full address to the input fits file. This pipeline will then convert this file into an MS file before running. [Feature yet to be added]
fluxcal list of strings e.g., [3C286, 3C147] List containing the names of the flux calibrator.
fluxscale_list ordered list of floats e.g., [15, 22.5] List of the flux values of the flux calibrator, ordered by the names of the fluxcalibrators (previous parameter). The fluxs are merely used to set the clip levels during flagging and not for calibration. Hence these can be approximate.
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