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Nawy Task

Page from the Nawy mobile app

App's Code Architecture

  • Code Files separated by Package-by-feature Concept (Each Package contains all its dependents)

  • App's Architecture implemented by MVVM Concept with Bloc State Management as a Viewmodel

  • Each layer in MVVM separeated from upper layer , it doesn't know about its Upper Layer ( View -> VM -> Repo ) ViewModel doesn't care about View , ViewModel doesn't have View Reference , Just subscribing with VM's Stream Subject which callback with any updates

  • Model Layer contains Every thing about Data (Remote data Source Netoworking , Pojo Model classes , Repository )

  • Code is made Testable with dependency injection concept , you can test Repo separately & test VM separately without View

Model Layer

View Layer

App's UI Screen

Code Features

Some of SOLID Principles applied :

  • D Dependency Inversion Principle as every Function depends on Abstraction & injected by dependent paramter instead of closing it in the scope , it makes the code testable for unit-testing assertion and helps in loosing the tightly coupling

  • I Interface Segregation Principle as each layer has its own interface that contain only primary functions for Implementer classes , so there on unneeded Override for child classes

  • S Single-Responsibility Principle as each Function for only one job

Most of Functions are Pure Functions doesn't affect out of its scope (takes paramter return result)