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License: MIT PyPI version Python code style

Yet Another OTP Bot

@yaotpbot : A Telegram Bot to generate OTPs.

Disclaimer: This project is intended as a toy project and should not be used for serious or production purposes. The author does not recommend using this for any critical applications.


flowchart LR;

T[Telegram Server]

D[Dynamo DB]

subgraph K[Kubernetes Cluster]
    direction TB
    GO[Gitlab Operator]
    GO -->|Deploy and sync| Y

subgraph G[GitLab]
    direction TB
    RE[Container Registry]
    R -->|CI| RE


K -.->|Poll update| T
D <---> |Store and retrieve| K
K -.-> |Watch and sync| G


Yaotpbot is written in Python and use telegram-bot-api to interact with Telegram.


A DynamoDB table it's used to store the identifiers of the chats and all the related seeds, needed to generate OTPs. All those information are stored encrypted and just decrpyted at runtime, using dynamodb-encryption-sdk library with AES encryption.


CI/CD is automated with GitOps. in particular:

  • The pipeline
  • The operator deploys and keep synced the manifests created on a local k3s cluster.

Installation and usage

The bot can either be used as a container (registry) or installed directly with pip running

pip3 install --upgrade yaotpbot 

Note that following environment variables must be set:

Name Description
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN Telegram Api Token of your bot needed to interact with Telegram. You always get a new one when creating a new bot.
LOCALSTACK_ENDPOINT A localstack endpoint to use when not using AWS. By default the bot looks for a table called yaotpbot-table and use sts to verify the connection.
DYNAMO_AES_SIGN_KEY Key used to sign encrypted data stored on DynamoDB. Can be generated running python scrips/
DYNAMO_AES_ENCRYPTION_KEY Key used to encrypt data stored on DynamoDB. Can be generated running python scrips/
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key id. Used with AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to interact with DynamoDB.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key. Used with AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID to interact with DynamoDB.