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Crate versions
 nym-vpnc: 0.2.1
 nym-vpnd: 0.2.1
 nym-vpn-lib: 0.2.1
 nym-vpn-cli: 0.2.1
Rustc version: rustc 1.81.0 (eeb90cda1 2024-09-04)
Build profile: release
Date:          Fri Sep 13 15:37:24 UTC 2024


Release build of the core binaries for the nym vpn client

The core binaries consist of

  • nym-vpn-cli: Basic commandline client for running the vpn. This runs in the foreground.
  • nym-vpnd: Daemon implementation of the vpn client that can run in the background and interacted with using nym-vpnc.
  • nym-vpnc: The commandline client used to interact with nym-vpnd.


If you are running Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS or any other distributio supporting debian packages and systemd, see the relevant section below


Start the daemon with

sudo -E ./nym-vpnd


./nym-vpnc status
./nym-vpnc connect
./nym-vpnc disconnect


An alternative to the daemon is to run the nym-vpn-cli commandline client that runs in the foreground.

./nym-vpn-cli run

Debian package for Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS

For linux platforms using deb packages and systemd, there is also debian packages.

sudo apt install ./nym-vpnd_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb ./nym-vpnc_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb (substitute the correct versions)

Installing the nym-vpnd deb package starts a nym-vpnd.service. Check that the daemon is running with

systemctl status nym-vpnd.service

and check its logs with

sudo journalctl -u nym-vpnd.service -f

To stop the background service

systemctl stop nym-vpnd.service

It will start again on startup, so disable with

systemctl disable nym-vpnd.service

Interact with it with nym-vpnc

nym-vpnc status
nym-vpnc connect
nym-vpnc disconnect

SHA256 Checksums

57e71bec65efdf071fb3376546caa79d5331bd55e2131736fc579340812ceb03  nym-vpn-core-v0.2.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
25dd6e55cbef3966b4c86e453408fbb2a8b29acf140b253a7978273b37636aa4  nym-vpn-core-v0.2.1_macos_universal.tar.gz
a1d7a7dc40e93324e62a3f40b0a94ea634e6ab4c43872a9edc50bbffa0415173  nym-vpn-core-v0.2.1_android_aarch64.tar.gz
849ea7b0eadc9930981dfcf0e3831b1fcb880587b7a979163307d092b2cdd79b  nym-vpn-cli_0.2.1-1_amd64.deb
9d8d5f674f257d8a61dae1670cb96828e8b09e17ed7365e04176d5ab743d0ffe  nym-vpnc_0.2.1-1_amd64.deb
fd696333bb1f7a75dd7b8b687639903112a6cf11539ad5d7f6b39d4b6475a48d  nym-vpnd_0.2.1-1_amd64.deb