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Backup Plugin

NumenCode Backup plugin for Winter CMS.

Installation and setup

This package requires Winter CMS application.

Install the package with Composer:

composer require numencode/wn-backup-plugin

Run the command:

php artisan backup:up

Laravel includes a simple way to SSH into remote servers and run commands on remote servers. The SSH facade from LaravelCollective/Remote package provides the access point to connecting to your remote servers and running commands.

The above command will create a new configuration file, located at /config/remote.php, that contains all the options you need in order to configure your remote connections. The connections array contains a list of your servers keyed by name. Simply populate the credentials in the connections array via your environment variables in the .env file.

Note that the SSH can authenticate using either a password or an SSH key.

Beside the SSH credentials in the configuration file, you will notice some additional information under the backup array of data. Here is an explanation for every single attribute from it:

Data Description
path Path to the project on the remote server, e.g. /var/www/
branch Name of the branch checked-out on the remote server, prod by default
branch_main Name of the branch checked-out on the local/dev environment, main by default
permissions.root_user Superuser and group with full access, e.g. root:root or pi:pi
permissions.web_user Web server user and group with limited access, e.g. www-data:www-data
permissions.web_folders Folders owned by web user, storage,themes by default Database name on the remote server
database.username Database username on the remote server
database.password Database password on the remote server
database.tables* Tables viable for the db:pull command

*you can specify, which tables in the database you would like to sync with command db:pull. If no table names are listed in this array, all the tables will be synchronized between environments. Since some settings stored in the database are usually not identical across different environments, it makes sense to specify which tables should be synchronized when db:pull command transfers the data from one database to the other.

Environment variables example

This is an example for the environment variables in the local/dev .env file:


Normally, the production .env file does not even need these entries.


This plugin provides various console commands that offer a better experience with backups, remote deployment, cloud storage for media files, database synchronization and more.


  • Local/dev environment is located on the main branch by default.
  • Production environment is located on the prod branch by default.
  • Git repository is usually located on GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.
  • Cloud storage is defined in /config/filesystems.php and can be anything from ftp, sftp, s3, rackspace, dropbox, etc.


Command Description
db:backup Create a database dump file and upload it to the cloud storage
db:pull Transfer changes from the production database to the local/dev database
media:backup Upload all the media files to the cloud storage
media:pull Transfer all the media files from production to the local/dev environment via the cloud storage
project:backup Create a compressed archive of all the project files and upload it to the cloud storage
project:pull Transfer file changes from the production to the local/dev environment via Git
project:commit Add, commit and push file changes to Git


The command creates a compressed SQL dump file of the project's default database. The name of the archive is the current timestamp with the extension of .sql.gz. The timestamp format can be explicitly specified - the default format is Y-m-d_H-i-s. The command can also upload the file to the cloud storage, if an argument is provided.

This command is useful if it's set in the Scheduler to create a complete daily database backup and upload it to the cloud storage.

Usage in CLI

php artisan db:backup

The command supports some optional arguments:

php artisan db:backup cloudName --folder=database --timestamp=d-m-Y --no-delete
  • cloudName is the cloud storage where the archive is uploaded (defined in /config/filesystems.php)
  • --folder is the name of the folder where the archive is stored (local and/or on the cloud storage)
  • --timestamp is a date format used for naming the archive file (default: Y-m-d_H-i-s)
  • --no-delete or -d prevents deleting the local archive file after it's uploaded to the cloud storage

Usage in Scheduler

$schedule->command('db:backup dropbox --folder=database')->dailyAt('02:00');


The command connects to a remote server with SSH, creates a database dump file, transfers it to the current working environment (e.g. local/dev) and imports it into its database. The tables that are updated with the command are specified in the list in the configuration file /config/remote.php, under the backup.database.tables section. If no table is defined in this list, all the tables are taken into account and are updated.

The command is intended to be executed on a local/dev environment in order to update the local database with the data from the production/staging database. Still, the command can also be executed on any other environment, assuming that the appropriate credentials are set.

Usage in CLI

php artisan db:pull production
  • where production is the remote server name (defined in /config/remote.php)

The command supports one optional argument:

php artisan db:pull production --no-import
  • --no-import or -i prevents importing data automatically and leaves the database dump file in the project's root folder


The command uploads all the media files from the folder storage/app/ to the cloud storage. All .gitignore files and /thumb/ folders are excluded from the upload by default.

This command is useful if it's set in the Scheduler to create a complete daily media backup and upload it to the cloud storage.

Usage in CLI

php artisan media:backup cloudName
  • where cloudName is the cloud storage where the media files are uploaded (defined in /config/filesystems.php)

The command supports one optional argument:

php artisan media:backup cloudName folder
  • folder is the name of the folder on the cloud storage where the media files are uploaded, the default is storage/

Usage in Scheduler

$schedule->command('media:backup cloudName')->dailyAt('03:00');


The command connects to a remote server with SSH and executes php artisan media:backup cloudName in order to upload all the media files to the cloud storage first. After that it downloads all the media files from the cloud storage to the local file storage. The media files are synchronized between both environments and also the cloud storage.

The command is intended to be executed on a local/dev environment in order to update the local media storage with the media files from the production/staging environment.

Usage in CLI

php artisan media:pull production cloudName
  • where production is the remote server name (defined in /config/remote.php)
  • where cloudName is a cloud storage where the files are uploaded (defined in /config/filesystems.php)

The command supports some optional arguments:

php artisan media:pull production cloudName folder --sudo
  • folder is the name of the folder on the cloud storage where the media files are uploaded, the default is storage/
  • --sudo or -x forces superuser (sudo) on the remote server


The command creates a compressed tarball file, which is an archive of all the project files in the current directory. The name of the archive is the current timestamp with the extension of .tar.gz. The timestamp format can be explicitly specified - the default format is Y-m-d_H-i-s. The command can also upload the file to the cloud storage, if an argument is provided. You can exclude explicitly selected folders from the archive.

This command is useful if it's set in the Scheduler to create a complete backup once a week and upload it to the cloud storage.

Usage in CLI

php artisan project:backup

The command supports some optional arguments:

php artisan project:backup cloudName --folder=files --timestamp=d-m-Y --exclude=files --no-delete
  • cloudName is the cloud storage where the archive is uploaded (defined in /config/filesystems.php)
  • --folder is the name of the folder where the archive is stored (local and/or on the cloud storage)
  • --timestamp is a date format used for naming the archive file (default: Y-m-d_H-i-s)
  • --exclude is a comma-separated list of the folders, to be excluded from the archive (/vendor is excluded by default)
  • --no-delete or -d prevents deleting the local archive file after it's uploaded to the cloud storage

Usage in Scheduler

$schedule->command('project:backup dropbox --folder=files')->weeklyOn(1, '01:00');


The command adds and commits changes on the production environment, pushes them to the git repository and then fetches and merges them on the local/dev environment.

This command is very useful for quickly retrieving content changes that have been made on the production environment. Since Winter CMS stores pages, layouts, contents, etc. in static *.htm files, the best way to fetch these changes is by pushing them to the git repository and merging them locally.

Usage in CLI

php artisan project:pull production
  • where production is the remote server name (defined in /config/remote.php)

The command supports some optional arguments:

php artisan project:pull production --pull --no-merge
  • where --pull or -p is an optional argument which executes git pull command before git push
  • where --no-merge or -m is an optional argument which does not merge changes automatically


The command puts the app into maintenance mode, clears all the cache, pulls the changes from the git repository - from the branch main (by default), merges them into branch prod (by default), rebuilds the cache and turns off the maintenance mode. If there are changes present in composer.lock file, the packages are updated automatically and the migrations can be run with the parameter -m.

Usage in CLI

php artisan project:deploy production
  • where production is the remote server name (defined in /config/remote.php)

The command supports some optional arguments:

php artisan project:deploy production --fast --composer --migrate --sudo
  • where --fast or -f is an optional argument which deploys without clearing the cache
  • where --composer or -c is an optional argument which forces Composer install
  • where --migrate or -m is an optional argument which runs migrations (php artisan winter:up)
  • where --sudo or -x is an optional argument which forces the superuser (sudo) usage


The command adds and commits all the changes to the git repository with a default message of Server changes. Changes are committed to the branch that is currently checked-out.

This command is useful when it's set in the scheduler so that it adds and commits changes every day for example.

Usage in CLI

php artisan project:commit "This is a custom commit message"

The commit message argument is optional, and it defaults to "Server changes" message.

Usage in Scheduler


Recommended Scheduler settings

Here are the recommended entries for the Scheduler:

  • create a complete backup every monday at 1 am
  • create a backup of all media files every day at 2 am
  • create a backup of the database every day at 3 am
  • commit changes from the production environment every day at 4 am
$schedule->command('project:backup dropbox --folder=files')->weeklyOn(1, '01:00');
$schedule->command('db:backup dropbox --folder=database')->daily()->at('02:00');
$schedule->command('media:backup dropbox')->daily()->at('03:00');

Dropbox setup

Dropbox is very easy to configure and upon the registration on it offers free 2GB of cloud storage space. In order to setup the Dropbox, complete the registration and continue with the following steps.

  1. Require the Dropbox adapter package with Composer
composer require renatio/dropboxadapter-plugin
  1. Login to your Dropbox account and configure API service on

  2. Once you have the authorization token, edit /config/filesystems.php and add the adapter

'dropbox' => [
    'driver'             => 'dropbox',
    'authorizationToken' => env('DROPBOX_AUTH_TOKEN', ''),
  1. Add your authorization token to the .env file
  1. You're all set, you can start using Dropbox as your cloud storage.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


NumenCode.Widgets plugin was created by and is maintained by Blaz Orazem.

Please write an email to about all the things concerning this project.

Follow @blazorazem on Twitter.


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

MIT License


NumenCode Backup plugin for Winter CMS







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