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A Higher Order Component for form validations in React apps. Highly inspired by awesome Formik


With npm:

npm install refova --save

or with Yarn:

yarn add refova




Create a Higher Order component.


mapPropsToValues?: (props) => values

Default () => ({}). Refova will transfer its results into updatable form state and make these values available to the new component as props.values.

validations?: {[key: string]: Array.<Rule>}

Default {}. Validation rules per each value in values. Rule is a simple object:

  message: string | (value, payload) => string, 
  test: (value, payload) => boolean

For example for values === { email: '', password: '' } we can define next validations:

  email: [
    { message: 'Is required', test: value => value.length > 0 },
    { message: 'Not valid email address', test: value => value.includes(@) }
  password: [
    { message: 'Is required', test: value => value.length > 0 }
resetWhenPropsChange?: boolean

Defaul true. Reset Refova state when props was changed.

initialValidation?: boolean

Default false. Validate values on initial mount and after reset.

submit?: (payload: {}) => void

Default () => {}. Callback for handleSubmit. Payload:

  • values
  • changed
  • props
  • setValue
  • setValues
  • resetError
  • reset

Injected props

isValid: boolean
handleChange: (Event) => void

Updates target value and validate state.

handleOnlyChange: (Event) => void

Updates target value without validations.

handleSubmit: (Event) => void

Prevents default submit behavior. Validates values and calls submit if they are valid

setValue: (key: string, value: any, validate? boolean, callback: Function)

Updates value by given key. By default will validate updated value (can be disabled by provided validate?: false). Callback will be passed to React.Component::setState().

setValues: (values: {[key: string], value: any}, validate?: boolean, callback?: Function)

Updates multiple values and validates them. Callback will be passed to React.Component::setState().

resetError: (keys: string | Array.<string>, callback?: Function) => void

Resets one or multiple errors. Callback will be passed to React.Component::setState().

validate: (keys?: string | Array.<string>, callback?: Function) => boolean

Validates one or multiple values. If keys argument omitted, then all values will be validated. Returns true if values are valid, othervise false Callback will be passed to React.Component::setState().

reset: (nextProps?: any, callback?: Function) => void

Resets Refova state. If nextProps is provided, then resets state according to new props. Can be usefull when option resetWhenPropsChange is disabled, and you need to manually reset Refova state when component receive new props. Callback will be passed to React.Component::setState().

(Docs are under development. Need help)