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Maintained by Nimbux911


This module was created to create a fargate service cluster


Terraform's remote state definition is a must to avoid hardcoding. The ECS Cluster, Task definition and Load Balancer are needed.


This module only deploy a fargate cluster services and load balancer logic.


module "ecs_service" {
  source                     = ""
  fargate_services           = {
      service_name            = "service-name"
      task_definition_arn     = data.terraform_remote_state.ecs-task.outputs.aws_ecs_task_definition_td_arn
      service_desired_count   = var.environment == "prd" ? 3 : 1 
      lb_config               = [
          target_group_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.ecs-lb.outputs.target_group_arn
          container_name   = var.container_name
          container_port   = 4000
  cluster_id         = data.terraform_remote_state.ecs-cluster.outputs.fargate_id
  cluster_name       = "${var.environment}-${var.service_name}-ecs"
  security_group_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.ecs-cluster.outputs.fargate_sg_ids
  subnet_ids         = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.public_subnets
  enable_autoscaling = true
  tags = {
      Environment = var.environment


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_id Cluster id where you need to create services string - yes
cluster_name Name of the Cluster where you need to create services string - yes
fargate_services Define fargate service information map {} no
security_group_ids List of security groups ids we need to add this cluster service list [] no
subnet_ids private subnet ids list(string) - no
enable_autoscaling Enable or disable autoscaling config bool - yes
target_group_arn ARN of the load balancer's target group string - yes
container_name Name of the task's container string - yes
container_port port of the task's container number - yes
task_definition_arn Task definition arn string - yes
tags A amount of tags added as a map map - yes


Name Description
service_name Name of the service we created