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Custom Staking Smart Contract

This smart contract implements an upgradeable (UUPS Proxy pattern) staking contract, which can be set to dynamic/static by the deployer, where users can deposit their assets and earn rewards.

The development tool used is the Foundry where the contracts and the tests are written, and then there's hardhat integrated which is used for writing the deployment and upgrade scripts.

PolygonScan links: Proxy | Version 1 Implementation | Version 2 Implementation | ERC20

Table of Contents


  • stake - Users can stake their assets to start earning rewards by calling this function. This function will automatically calculate any previous pending rewards of the user and based on if the contract is autocompound or not, will transfer the rewards automatically to users balance or not. Event Staked will be fired. This function can't be called if the contract is paused.

  • withdraw - Users can call this function to withdraw any amount of the staked asset. This function will automatically calculate any previous pending rewards of the user and based on if the contract is autocompound or not, will transfer the rewards automatically to users balance or not. Event Withdrawn will be fired. This function can't be called if the contract is paused.

  • viewPendingRewards - By passing the address to this function, everyone can see the pending rewards of the any address. The rewards returned by this function is the amount of the rewards to be given out based on the staked amount and the timestamp of the last given reward to that address.

  • getRewards - By calling this function, users can withdraw the rewards. There is no specific check for the amount requested, but if the amount requested exceedes the rewards amount that should be given out to user, the transaction will revert due to underflow.

  • getStakerInfo - Get the info of ny staker by providing the address.

  • setDynamicRewards - Owners function to set the amount of the rewards and the duration when the rewards will be given out. Calling this function is only possible if the previous reward giving has ended and the reward amount specified is more than 0. If the contract is static staking, this transaction will not revert, but it won't mess with the static staking flow.

  • setStaticRewards - Owners function to set the annual interest rate for the rewards token, when the staking is static, can only be called once after the deployment, if the rate is already set it can't be changed anymore. If the contract is dynamic staking, this transaction will not revert, but it won't mess with the static staking flow.

  • mint - Owners function to mint the specified amount of tokens to any address

  • burn - Owners function to burn their tokens. The owner can't burn other's tokens with this function

  • pause - Owners function to pause the contract

  • unpause - Owners function to unpause the contract


Tests are written to cover as many scenarios as possible. Some tests are fuzz tests and some of them are not. Because of that some tests are not fuzz tests. This should never happen in production-ready code!

To run the tests, you will have to do the following

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Run forge install.
  3. Run forge build.
  4. Run forge test.

OR, you can just run forge test, which will automatically install dependencies and compile the contracts.


To deploy the contract, you will have to do the following

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Run forge install && npm install.
  3. Create the .env file based on the .env.example.
  4. Deploy the smart contract with npx hardhat run script/deploy.ts --network {network name}

Please note that if you would like to deploy smart contracts on a network other than Mumbai, you will have to change the configuration in the hardhat.config.ts and even update the .env variable names

If you would like to deploy it locally, make sure to run npx hardhat node before the 3rd step, and deploy the smart contract with localhost as the "network name"


You would notice that there are a MyGovernor.sol contract and TimeLock.sol contracts in the src/governance folder, which aren't used anywhere. I've added these files as sample files for future use for governance.

The rewards token is the token of the Staking contract, so it would be nice to see the governance on the implementation upgrade. If there's a new version, the staking token holders would vote if they want to upgrade the implementation or not, and the staker will have the highest vote weight if they have been staking in this contract for the most time.