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BoldGrid Theme Framework

Build Status License PHP Version Code Climate

  • Contributors: rramo012, timph
  • Tags: inspiration,customization,build,create,design
  • Requires at least: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 4.9.1
  • License: GPLv2 or later
  • License URI:


BoldGrid Theme Framework is a library that allows you to easily make BoldGrid themes. Please see our reference guide for more information:


  1. Create a configuration that overrides required fields. Please see the BoldGrid theme user guide for more information.

  2. Include boldgrid-theme-framework.php from your theme's functions.php



  • Update: Updating WooCommerce templates to latest stable version.


  • Bug fix: Fixing issue with .site-title line-height conflict from WP4.7 changes.


  • Update: Change Post and Page Builder url.


  • Update: Updating version of kirki.


  • Update: Updating components.


  • New Feature: Moving component library into it's own package.


  • Update: Moving sidebar widget area into configuration file.
  • Update: Provide support for buttons as post navigation.


  • Update: Bump version.


  • Bug fix: Fixing button font sizes.
  • Bug fix: Append tinymce customizer typography styles instead of prepending.
  • Update: Updating versions on CSS files.


  • Bug fix: Adding theme's defined palette class to TinyMCE Editor instances.


  • Update: Updating component shapes to match image styles.
  • Update: Loading sticky header JS for mobile.


  • Update: Changed the default fieldset legend styles added.
  • Update: Adding new styles to the default components.


  • Bug fix: Fixed help overlay section in customizer so it's part of the actual controls.
  • Bug fix: Fixed cases where FS_CHMOD_DIR is an undefined constant with $wp_filesystem.


  • Update: Link focus should be dynamically found for hide_ links.


  • Bug fix: Check if template configs are present.
  • Update: Default menu descriptions are now generic instead of contextual.


  • Update: Let sidebar search widget have standard appearance on small devices.
  • Bug fix: Fixing issues with wooCommerce ratings and extraneous div outputting.
  • Bug fix: Customizer tablet preview not showing tablet size menu.
  • Update: Add default button styles for wooCommerce support.

  • Bug fix: Adjusting line-height for tinymce editor for WordPress 4.8 changes.


  • Bug fix: CTA widget inherits well class if user tries to re-add it.
  • Bug fix: Added default styles for sidebar search form widgets.


  • Bug fix: Fixing error when running wp-cli commands.


  • Update: Set the editor content area to the max width from the theme.
  • Bug fix: Customizer edit button for edit this page goes to wrong URL.
  • Bug fix: Staging theme mods being transfered across themes.
  • Bug fix: Issues compiling colors on upgrade from old themes.
  • Update: Removing CTA checks from framework.


  • Update: Attribution links are now using postMessage to avoid customizer refreshes.
  • New Feature: Custom Modernizr builds are now added to theme framework.
  • Update: Sticky Footer is now handled with flexbox if browser supports it.
  • Bug fix: Added markup for password required pages and posts inside sections/containers.
  • New Feature: Adding body class for disabled bstw state.
  • Update: Margin applied to contact blocks for better spacing in bgtfw.


  • Bug fix: Adding .page-template-default to editor if default template is in use.


  • Update: Allow widget data to be filtered before widgets are created.
  • Bug fix: weibo icon.


  • Update: Setting JS compiler instance limit to 50 to accommodate larger sass sheets.
  • Bug fix: Aligning post navigation links to left and right for older vs newer.
  • Update: Adding padding to search results.


  • Bug fix: Merging standard and minified js files.


  • Bug fix: Hide inline link editor when closing black-studio panel.
  • Bug fix: Load theme styles only for pages and posts.
  • Update: Open social media icons in new tab.


  • Update: Changing post navigation links from H1s to H2s.
  • Update: Changing format of boldgrid_menus_created option.
  • Update: Using meaningful keys in boldgrid_widgets_created option.
  • Bug fix: Fixing issue with bad data in boldgrid_widgets_created.

  • Bug fix: Customizer edit buttons not appearing for menus.
  • Bug fix: Edit buttons appearing when not in Customizer.

  • Update: Removing custom CSS panel added in WordPress 4.7 Core update.
  • Update: Removing visible edit buttons added in WordPress 4.7 Core update.
  • Bug fix: Fixing issue causing fatal Javascript issues in background controls after 4.7 Core update.
  • Bug fix: Fixing issue with stacked display controls in background section, 4.7.
  • Bug fix: Fixed issue where help text in menu and widget customizer not visible 4.7.
  • Bug fix: Fixed errors when viewing a changeset id on the front end: 4.7.


  • Update: Prevent Buttons from wrapping.


  • Update: Added neutral color color classes.


  • Update: Boldgrid sections now have a min-height of 30px inside site content.
  • Update: When Home template is used, update disabled page title tooltip message.


  • Bug fix: Fixing issue compiling staging colors.


  • Update: Adding additional text contrast classes.
  • Bug fix: Check colors are enabled and default palette exists before attempting to set palette.
  • Bug Fix: Home page title causes duplicate H1 tags.
  • Bug Fix: Enqueue staging buttons and staging colors to the editor control system.


  • Update: Framework now handles filtering for full width pages.
  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue with tinymce cache busting.
  • Bug Fix: Blog page not getting proper containers if set to a static page.


  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue with sidebar displaying on specific page templates.


  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue were suggested palettes did not respect the locked color.
  • Bug Fix: Sidebar widgets should have h2 tags for titles instead of h1.
  • Bug Fix: Removed Bootstrap button classes from theme buttons.
  • Update: Removed staging from recommended plugin install list.
  • New Feature: Added config for BGTFW Version.
  • Update: If any colors aren't found before compile, don't attempt to compile the scss.
  • Bug Fix: Attachment pages need container classes.
  • Update: Only recommending plugins, and updating verbiage to reflect that.


  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue causing masonry galleries to not display.
  • Bug Fix: Allow page templates to define the element's container classes.
  • Bug Fix: Add font family classes to framework.
  • Bug Fix: Check if function exists before display_sidebar fires.
  • New Feature: Allow all WordPress conditionals to be used in display_sidebar.
  • Update: No longer renaming Widgets to Header/Footer Widgets in the customizer.
  • Bug Fix: Default h1 and h3 font sizes not rendering correctly (not in use on current themes).
  • New Feature: Adding buttons library for editor.
  • Bug Fix: TinyMCE triggered by a Ninja Forms hook while editing a form.


  • New Feature: Added SnapChat social media icons.
  • Update: Added some default styles to BGTFW components.
  • Bug Fix: Addressed jQuery Migrate deprecated notice for .load() in edit buttons.
  • Bug Fix: Add blog container class if user sets front page to display their blog posts.
  • New Feature: Allow theme activation to trigger recommended/required plugins.
  • Bug Fix: Palettes with two of same color didn't get unique color class assigned.
  • Bug Fix: Custom classes push via configs to tagline weren't applied for live preview in customizer.
  • Bug Fix: Apply comment submit classes via PHP instead of jQuery.
  • Update: Sass.js updated to v0.9.12.
  • Bug Fix: Some themes don't have an edit button for footer attribution links.
  • Bug Fix: Let attribution links bounce on focus with customizer edit buttons.


  • Bug Fix: Background size not being applied to parallax backgrounds.


  • Update: Updating color palettes tutorial link.
  • Bug Fix: Updating the load order of styles into the editor.


  • New Feature: Add tutorials link to each section in the menus panel.
  • New Feature: Adding container configuration classes.
  • Update: Font Awesome updated to 4.6.3.
  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue with typography controls 4.4 compatibility.
  • Bug Fix: Fixing 4.6 bug causing background image previews to not display.
  • Bug Fix: Hiding generic locations that are not in use.
  • Bug Fix: Customizer dialog inheriting styles with undesired effects.
  • Bug Fix: Stop Wordpress from assigning widgets to our areas on theme switch.
  • Bug Fix: Edit buttons display primary menu background even if no menu is present.


  • Bug Fix: Typography - additional selectors should be read for showing/hiding menu item.
  • Bug Fix: Typography - headings/subheadings from configs override each other.


  • Bug Fix: Edit buttons no longer pull in color from themes.
  • Bug Fix: Typography in the editor is no longer prefixed with .mce-content-body.
  • Bug Fix: Removed php closing tag from category.config.php.


  • Update: Added helper method for Inspirations category lookups.
  • Bug Fix: On theme activation set default color palette theme_mod.
  • New Feature: Colors in the active palette now have animations to upon focusing the control.
  • Bug Fix: Staging theme updates reset color palettes.


  • New Feature: Updated drag behavior to swap colors.
  • New Feature: The neutral color of a palette can now be modified with drag and drop.
  • New Feature: The UI of color palettes has been improved.
  • New Feature: Colors within a users color palette can now be selected from the color picker.
  • New Feature: Improved color palette suggestion algorithms.
  • New Feature: Enabling customizer edit buttons.
  • Bug Fix: Removed duplicate entries of color palettes from saved palettes.

  • Bug Fix: Enable footer switch not fully triggering.


  • Update: Kirki from v2.1.0.1 to v2.3.2.
  • Update: Changed customizer tablet view width to 768px.
  • New Feature: Added slim scrollbar support via configs.
  • New Feature: Added scroll to top support via configs.
  • New Feature: Added support for additional font relationships via configs.
  • New Feature: Allow child theme to auto-enqueue it's own js file.
  • New Feature: Updated wow.js to support framework configs.
  • New Feature: Added blockquote calculations to Main Text font sizes.
  • Bug Fix: Headings Text Transform property not saving.

  • Bug Fix: Issue causing Visual Editor widget areas to fail on firefox.


  • Bug Fix: Issue causing color palette customizer to fail on child themes.
  • New Feature: The frameworks root path can now be overwritten with BGTFW_PATH constant.
  • New Feature: Text shadow controls are now postMessage.
  • New Feature: Tagline will now inherit margin controls from site title.
  • Update: Customizer edit buttons now using pencil icon.


  • Bug fix: Addressed issue where subheadings weren't having font-family property set.
  • Bug fix: Inline Links in Visual Editor in Customizer now are working for WP 4.5+.
  • Misc: Bootstrap-compile now works with SCRIPT_DEBUG set to true.
  • New Feature: Child theme's will transfer menus from parent on activation.


  • Hotfix: Disable responsive device previews, and use WP's new responsive previews in WP 4.5+.


  • New Feature: Child themes can now be created and work properly.
  • Misc: Replaced Underscore's accessibility classes with Bootstrap's.
  • New Feature: Added support for using heading classes that work with typography controls.
  • Misc: Code refactor of activate class.
  • Misc: Added CodeClimate Configuration.


  • Bug fix: Animate.css now can load properly.
  • Bug fix: Allow child themes to use their own background images.
  • Misc: Updated scssphp dependency to v.0.6.1.
  • New Feature: Typography controls now have image previews.
  • Bug fix: Unique menu names not formatted correctly.
  • Bug fix: On start over, staging menus are not deleted.
  • Bug fix: Search results hiding page titles unintentionally.
  • Misc: Setting default style of menus as inline.


  • Update: Changing email links to
  • Update: Reorganized advanced footer panel.
  • Update: Added alt-font to tagline and widgets, and change section title.
  • Fix: Correcting issues with sticky footer.

  • Fix: Color palettes not working on staging sites.

  • Fix: Attribution links unintentionally hidden from footer.
  • Fix: zIndex issues with magnified files.


  • Fix: Preventing titles for showing up when menu title is markup.

  • Update: Moved repo to github.

  • Fix: Updating Kirki to 2.0.9

  • Fix: Fixing Issue with toggling controls


  • Fix:Enable page title toggle on new pages
  • Update: Update kirki to v2.0.3
  • Update: Updating PHP Sass compiler
  • Update: Updating JS Sass compiler
  • Fix: Fixing conflict with other plugins that include our PHP compilers

  • New Feature: Adding a page title toggle


  • Fix: Correcting issues with colors in site previews


  • New feature: Adding a method to add incline styles to the editor plugins
  • Fix: Fixing Style issues in the customizer overlay

  • Bug Fix: Fixing issue with sticky Footer in middle of page
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Post page with comments markup issue


  • New feature: Save menus created by framework in an option.
  • Bug Fix: Upon deploying staging, new active site lost Social Media icons.


  • Bug Fix: Fixed Typos in Advanced Header/Footer Sections
  • New feature: Adding readme.txt file


  • Bug Fix: Fixing issues with special thanks links
  • New feature: Added sticky footer options


The BoldGrid Theme Framework used in BoldGrid themes.







No packages published


  • PHP 62.3%
  • JavaScript 22.1%
  • CSS 15.6%