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NEP Review Process

arisac edited this page Jan 15, 2021 · 20 revisions

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General NEP Flow

General NEP Flow

1. Submit a NEP for the first time

Draft > pr > assign NEP number > JUDGE > merge > complete

2. Update a NEP Draft

Draft > pr > JUDGE > merge > complete

3. Make a NEP Draft to NEP Final

Draft > issue > JUDGE > Public Call > Final / Active > complete

Status Flow

Status Flow Chart the flow chart below is updated from time to time. the browser may display from browser/github cache instead the latest one. visit url to view the latest. status flow

Roles & Responsibilities

Main responsibilities for each role during a NEP review

Champion(Lead) & Authors

  • answer questions


  • multiple bots may be required to perform different tasks with different permissions
  • PR Format Check
    • check header
    • check format
    • check URLs
  • Advanced Functions
    • NLP check (offensive words, non-sense descriptions etc.)
    • check required fields for each category & type
    • check forbidden assets
    • run code test
  • Repo Maintenances
    • merge if passed bots & editor review
    • update NEPs TOC files after merge/status change
  • Messenger/Notify
    • notify editors & review board members after merge/status change
  • Webhooks
    • performing tasks for other services e.g. test bots/services, html formatter bots/services
    • notify newton website server to update NEPs list on website

NEP Editors

  • check descriptions in each part
  • check if duplicate
  • check if not obey newton principle
  • simple code check
  • assign number

Review Board

  • anything


  • anything

First NEP Draft Review

Since a new NEP Draft is just a start and it may needs improvements later in the future updates. We should help a new NEP to pass as easy as possible as long as it's not fundamentally incorrect.

As long as no Board Member says it's fundamentally incorrect. A 50% approval will result the NEP Draft goes into our NEPs repo.

Voting process for NEP approval should happen on NewChain:

For each vote to start, a NEP Editor should make a transaction to NEP New Address, indicates the topic for voting and end time.

For Board Members to vote, Members should make a transaction to NEP New Address, leaving their decisions in the transaction notes.

NEP Editors should count the vote and make the

NEP Editors

The current NEP editors are:

GitHub ID NEW Address
@arisac NEW182LTNoiufc9tiveZdno3HXH5yEmUURKUiac
@liuyong5653 NEW182VbmZs3TyC268wz7Kq4Cznssv7WzRPDq7j
@weixuefeng NEW182PdJBJoMnGAub6KJ6YrhSPHWrFE9RSBmGE
@zhouxiqiao NEW182Vzd7pgjGjNCKVB7831yFCT5yuhSfRnfgA

Review Board

The current Review Board members are:

Display Name GitHub ID NEW Address
Mr. Koo @benkoo NEW182XacauX8woduncHaXTzNGCFnk7B15z34hi
Evan Liu @evanliuchina NEW182Jqu3ok6ZnjkLAyhpSw9WEJXhEwUYX4jLR
Qu Jianwei @i29 NEW182TpZToiXBk1SkR1bMJLUxguPxFsZciz123
Jiang Tao @jiangtao-tang NEW182XmN8jkgnkW8rtu9jRriQJjnEBXSbZZuHJ
Lee Willson @leewillson NEW182ZheiEbSBW3SbtETmXEgdG5X9GvFuLRun2
VieYang @VieYang NEW182bMUiAM1nXMjcwri8zNrgZftcnPJc1uVie
xiawu @xiawu NEW182Kt8siZGciPGBss3rg7GmJqfZ7CUafVUHH
Xu Jizhe @xujizhe unregistered
zqy15789 @zqy15789 NEW182EFjxZjxRJcfBdJBHEuMTYNsK7RLTFeiiJ
