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Repository files navigation



lms is built upon a npm module webpack, a tool that enables the rapid development of components, templates and pages, so this project requires Node.js v6.11.2+ to be installed locally. A global install of Webpack is also recommended.


To get the project up and running, and view components in the browser, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and install Node:
  2. Clone this repo: (SSH) or (HTTPS)
  3. [Optional] Install Webpack globally: npm install webpack -g
  4. [Optional] Install Webpack Dev Server globally: npm install webpack-dev-server -g
  5. Install project dependancies: npm install
  6. Create the build folder: mkdir build
  7. Start the development environment: npm run dev
  8. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8080


When developing components, you may want assets automatically compiled and the browser to refresh automatically. To do this, run the following task:

  • npm run dev

Creating a static build

To create a static instance of this project, run the following task:

  • npm run build

This will create a bundle file called index.bundle.js, into which the required files will be created.

Repo structure

Sometimes it’s helpful to know what all these different files are for…

├─ app/
│  ├─ index.jsx      # Base component of routers and redux
│  │
│  ├─ Actions/       # Redux actions
│  │
│  ├─ Components/    # Components
│  │  ├─ App.jsx     # …that render root component
│  │  ├─ Login/      # …that render component login form
│  │  ├─ Nav/        # …that render component navbar
│  │  ├─ Routes/     # …that govern route to every page
│  │  └─ Pages/      # …that render every single page
|  |
│  ├─ Reducers/      # Redux reducers
|  |
│  └─ css/           # SCSS files
│     ├─ Login/      # css mixin of login form
│     └─ Nav/        # css mixin of navbar
├─ node_modules/     # Files required for dynamic builds, created by npm (ignored by Git)
├─ build/            # Public build (ignored by Git)
├─ index.html        # entry HTML
├─ .gitignore        # List of files and folders not tracked by Git
├─ webpack.config.js # Configuration for Gulp tasks
├─ package.json      # Project manifest
└─         # This file