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The Illustrated Framer Docs


Table of Contents

001 align and offset

001 demo options [5]
gif of align transition layerA = new Layer

  • y: Align.bottom()
  • x and y:
  • x: Align.left()
  • x: Align.right()
  • y:
  • y: Align.bottom(-50)
  • x and y:
  • x: Align.left(50)
  • x: Align.right(-50)
  • y:

002 animation

001 demo options [8]
gif of animate ↗️
  • animationA.start()
  • animationC = animationA.reverse()
  • options:
    curve: Bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)
Animatable Properties
  • x, y, z
  • minX, midX, maxX
  • minY, midY, maxY
  • width, height
  • opacity
  • rotation, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ
  • scale scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ
  • originX, originY, perspective
  • scrollX, scrollY
  • borderRadius, borderWidth
  • shadowX, shadowY, shadowBlur, shadowSpread
  • blur, brightness, saturate
  • hueRotate, contrast, invert, grayscale, sepia
Not Shown
  • animation.stop()
  • animation.reset()
  • animation.restart()
  • animation.finish()

003 backgroundLayer

003 demo options [0]
gif of backgroundLayer bg = new BackgroundLayer

Note: backgroundLayer is overridden by an artboard
If it has a parent, it will inherit the size of the parent

004 canvas

004 demo options [10]
gif of canvas Note: Canvas only works when viewing 📱

  • Canvas.backgroundColor = "#862e9c"
  • Canvas.image = "bg-canvas.png"
📏 - Read Only Values
  • Canvas.width
  • Canvas.height
  • Canvas.size
  • Canvas.frame
Not Shown
  • Canvas.convertPointToScreen(point)
  • Canvas.convertPointToLayer(point, layer)

005 color

005 demo options [16]
gif of color 🎨 📱
  • violet = new Color("rgba(95, 61, 196, 1)")
  • violet2 = new Color(violet).saturate(80) (default 10)
  • violet3 = new Color(violet).desaturate(80) (default 10)
  • violet4 = new Color(violet).darken(20)
  • violet5 = new Color(violet).lighten(100) (default 10)
  • violet6 = violet.grayscale()
  • violet7 = Color.gray(0.5)
  • violet8 = violet.alpha(0.4)
  • violet9 = Color.mix(violet, violet4, 0.2)
  • violet10 = Color.random()

  • Not Shown 🖨️
    • Color.isColor() (returns boolean)
    • Color.isColorObject() (returns boolean)(value a color string)
    • Color.toHexString() (returns hex representation of color)
    • Color.toRgbString() (returns rgb representation of color)
    • Color.toHSlString() (returns HSL representation of color)

    007 defaults

    007 demo options [0]
    gif of defaults Framer.Defaults.Layer.size = 100

    🔷 🔷
    • Framer.Defaults.Layer.borderRadius = 12
    • Framer.Defaults.Layer.size = 100
    • Framer.Defaults.Animation =
      curve: Spring(damping: 0.75)
    Replicated layer to demonstrate default change

    • Order default overrides first
    • Layers include bg layer

    008 device

    008 demo options [12]
    gif of device 📱
    • Framer.Device.customise()
    • Framer.Device.Type.Phone
    • Framer.Device.orientationName = "landscape"
    Not Shown But Similar
    • .orientation
    • .setOrientation()
    • .rotateLeft()
    • .rotateRight()
    Not Shown
    • .fullScreen
    • .deviceScale
    • .setDeviceScale
    • .contentScale
    • .setContentScale()

    009 draggable

    009 demo options [29]
    gif of draggable layerA.draggable.enabled = true

    1st ↕️ 2nd 🔄 3rd 🔃
    • .draggable.enabled = true
    • .draggable.horizontal = false
    • .draggable.speedY = 1.1 (< 1 is slower than mouse movement)
    • .draggable.constraints =
    • - y:100
      - height: 50
    • print <layer>.draggable.constraintsOffset
    • print <layer>.draggable.isBeyondConstraints
    • .draggable.overdrag = true
    • .draggable.overdragScale = 0.25
    • .draggable.bounce = true (default true)
    • .draggable.bounceOptions =
    • - friction: 40,
      - tension: 200,
      - tolerance: 0.0001
    • <layer>.draggable.on Events.DragMove ➡️
    • - print.<layer>.draggable.direction
    • .draggable.momentum = true (default true)
    • .draggable.momentumOptions =
    • - friction: 2.1
      - tolerance: 0.1
    • <layer>.draggable.on Events.DragMove ➡️
    • - print <layer>.draggable.velocity
      - print <layer>.draggable.angle
    Not Shown
    • .draggable.vertical = false
    • .draggable.speedX = 0.5
    • print <layer>.draggable.angle
    • print <layer>.draggable.updatePosition() (increments 20px)
    • print <layer>.draggable.directionLock = true
    • print <layer>.draggable.directionLockThreshold =
      x: 10
      y: 20
    • print <layer>.draggable.pixelAlign = true
    • print <layer>.draggable.isDragging (check if layer is being dragged)
    • isMoving
    • print <layer>.draggable.offset (get x and y layer position)
    • print <layer>.draggable.layerStartPoint (start x and y)
    • print <layer>.draggable.cursorStartPoint (x and y of cursor)
    • print <layer>.draggable.layerCursorOffset
    • print <layer>.draggable.propagateEvents = false
      this one let you to drag a layer without affecting scrollComponent!

    010 events is in progress

    010 demo 1 options [1 - 4 / 22]
    Events 1
    Tap . LongPress . Swipe . Pinch

    gif of events tap longpress swipe pinch
    [1] Tap
    • .onTap / .onSingleTap
    • .onDoubleTap
    [3] LongPress
    • .onLongPress
    • .onLongPressStart
    • .onLongPressEnd
    [4] Swipe
    • .onSwipeUp / .onSwipeUpStart / .onSwipeUpEnd
    • .onSwipeRight /.onSwipeRightStart /.onSwipeRightEnd
    • .onSwipeDown / .onSwipeDownStart /.onSwipeDownEnd
    • .onSwipeLeft /.onSwipeLeftStart /.onSwipeLeftEnd
    [6] Pinch
    • .Pinch / .PinchStart / .PinchEnd
    010 demo 2 options [5 - 9 / 22]
    Events 2
    Scale . Rotate . Touch . Click . Mouse

    gif of scale rotate touch click mouse
    [7] Scale
    • .Scale / .ScaleStart / .ScaleEnd
    [8] Rotate
    • .Rotate / RotateStart / .RotateEnd
    [9] Touch
    • .TouchStart / .TouchMove / .TouchEnd
    [10] Click
    • .Click (or touch - no delay on mobile)
    [11] Mouse
    • .MouseUp / .MouseDown
    • .MouseOver / .MouseOut (unhover with mouse cursor)
    • .MouseMove / .MouseWheel
    010 demo 3 options [10 - 13 / 22]
    Events 3
    Animation . State . Drag . Scroll

    gif of events animation . state . drag . scroll
    [12] Animation
    • .AnimationStart / .AnimationStop / .AnimationEnd
    [13] State
    • .StateSwitchStart
    • .StateSwitchStop / .StateSwitchEnd
    [14] Drag
    • .Move (the layer is moving)
    • .Drag / .DragStart / .DragEnd
    • .DragAnimationStart / .DragAnimationEnd
    • .DirectionLockStart (Did start lock direction?)
    [15] Scroll
    • .Move (the layer is moving)
    • .Scroll / .ScrollStart / .ScrollEnd
    • .ScrollAnimationDidStart / .ScrollAnimationDidEnd
    010 demo 4 options [14 - 16 / 22]
    Events 4
    EdgeSwipe . Transition . Value

    gif of events value
    [16] EdgeSwipe
    • .EdgeSwipe / .EdgeSwipeStart / .EdgeSwipeEnd
    • .EdgeSwipeTop / .EdgeSwipeTopStart / .EdgeSwipeTopEnd
    • .EdgeSwipeRight / .EdgeSwipeRightStart / .EdgeSwipeRightEnd
    • .EdgeSwipeBottom / .EdgeSwipeBottomStart / .EdgeSwipeBottomEnd
    • .EdgeSwipeLeft / .EdgeSwipeLeftStart / .EdgeSwipeLeftEnd
    [18] Value (used for sliders ⚪)
    • .SliderValueChange
    • .SliderMinValueChange (range slider only)
    • .SliderMaxValueChange (range slider only)

    To Add
    [17] Transition
    • .TransitionStart
    • .TransitionHalt / .TransitionStop / .TransitionEnd
    010 demo 5 options [17 - 20 / 22]
    Events 5
    Change . Gesture Event . touchEvent() . wrap()

    gif of eventswrap
    [22] wrap()
    • Wrap a given DOM Element - use to bind events to arbitrary dom elements
      Events.wrap(window).addEventListener "resize", (event) ->
      - print "Page is resizing"

    To Add
    [19] Change - listen to properties as they change
    • layerA.on "change:x", ->
    • layerA.on "change:y", ->
    • layerA.on "change:point", ->
    • layerA.on "change:width", ->
    • layerA.on "change:height", ->
    • layerA.on "change:size", ->
    • layerA.on "change:frame", ->
    • layerA.on "change:scale", ->
    • layerA.on "change:rotation", ->
    • layerA.on "change:borderRadius", ->
    • layerA.on "change:currentPage", ->
    • layerA.on "change:style", ->
    • layerA.on "change:html", ->
    • layerA.on "change:children", ->
    • layerA.on "change:parent", ->
    [20] Gesture Event Properties

    • event.point (current x and y position)
    • event.start / event.previous ([] x and y position)
    • .offset (current x and y offset)
    • .offsetTime / .offsetAngel / .offsetDirection
    • .delta (offset since last event)
    • .deltaTime / .deltaAngle / .deltaDirection
    Velocity & Force
    • .velocity (current speed)
    • .force (current pressure sensitivity of a tap)
    • .fingers (amount of fingers on screen! ✋ )
    • .touchCenter / .touchDistance / .touchOffset
    Scale & Rotation
    • .scale (scale value from two fingers
    • .scaleDirection / .scaleRotation
    [21] touchEvent()
    • Extract the touch event from a given event on mobile
    010 demo 6 options [20 - 22 / 22]
    Events 6
    Force Tap . Pan

    gif of events value
    [2] Force Tap 📱
    • .onForceTap / .onForceTapStart
    • .onForceTapChange
    • .onForceTapEnd
    [5] Pan 📱
    • .Pan / .PanStart / .PanMove / .PanEnd
    • .PanLeft / .PanRight / .PanUp / .PanDown

    011 extras

    011 demo options [02]
    gif of extras Framer.Extras.Hints.enable()

    🆔 Hints can be customised
    • Framer.Extras.Hints.enable()
    • If you want your hints to show immediately:
    • Framer.Extras.Hints.showHints()
    🕙 Preloader - only enabled outside of Framer, i.e. mirroring
    • Framer.Extras.Preloader.enable()
    • Framer.Extras.Preloader.setLogo()

    012 flowcomponent

    012 demo options [12]
    gif of flowcomponentgif of flowcomponent transition flow = new FlowComponent

    • flow.showNext(layerB, animate: true)
    • flow.showPrevious(animate: true)
    • scroll - have to be careful about order
    Header and Footer
    • header (creates a sticky header)

      navBar = newLayer
      flow.header = navBar

    • footer (creates a sticky footer)

      tabBar = new Layer
      flow.footer = tabBar
    • flow.showOverlayCenter(modal, modal: true)
    • flow.showOverlayTop(notification)
    • hamburger.onTap ->
    Not shown but similar
    • .showOverlayRight()
    • .showOverlayBottom()
    • flow.transition = (layer, transition, [options.animate] [options.scroll])
    • Custom transition is a function that returns an object with states
    • This gif shows a custom transition function from Framer Docs
    Not Shown 🖨️
  • print flow.current (shows current page)
  • 013 gradient

    013 demo options [3]
    gif of gradient transition 🍌
    • start: "#fff9db"
    • end: "#ffd43b"
    • angle: 45
    • start: "#e67700"
    • end: "#ffe066"
    • Animatable: YES (animated angle: (180+45)

    014 layer is in progress

    014 demo options [95]
    [A] z, hueRotate (0 to 360)
    [B] gradient, visible = true, name = "square1"
    (can inherit from sketch import)
    [C] borderRadius, borderWidth, borderColor, image, brightness
    [D] contrast
    [E] saturate
    [F] invert, opacity
    [G] grayscale
    [I] scale, sepia

    gif of layer - size/color/shape
    • id
    • name
    • x / y / z
    • width / height
    • minX / midX / maxX
    • minY / midY / maxY
    • size
    • scale / scaleX / scaleY
    • frame
    • props
    • backgroundColor / gradient / image
    • visible
    • opacity
    • brightness
    • saturate
    • hueRotate
    • contrast
    • invert
    • grayscale
    • sepia
    • borderRadius / borderColor / borderWidth
    • rotation
    • rotationZ
    014 demo options [95]

    gif of layer - parents
    🐔 🐣
    • parent
    • children (READ ONLY)
    • childrenWithName()
    • siblings
    • siblingsWithName()
    • descendants
    • ancestors()
    • addChild()
    • removeChild()
    014 demo options [95]

    gif of layer - positioning
    • index
    • placeBefore()
    • placeBehind()
    • bringToFront()
    • sendToBack()
    014 demo options [95]

    gif of layer - animation and states
    • animate
    • animationOptions
    animationOptions Properties
    (these set the options for all animations performed on the layer unless they are overruled)
    • curve
    • curveOptions
    • time
    • delay
    • repeat
    • colorModel
    • instant

    • animations()
    • isAnimating (read only, boolean)
    • stateSwitch()
    • stateCycle()
    • stateNames
    Not Showm
    • animateStop()
    • computedStyle()[specific] (note - computationally expensive)
    014 demo options [95]

    gif of layer - shadows and blending
    • blur
    • backgroundBlur (couldn't tell any difference, does not work all the time)
    • shadows
    • shadowX
    • shadowY
    • shadowBlur
    • shadowSpread (adjusted in animation from 1 to 10)
    • shadowColor
    • shadowType
    Blending - TO ADD
    • blending
    • Blending.normal (default blending mode)

    • Blending.darken
    • Blending.multiply
    • Blending.colorBurn

    • Blending.lighten
    • Blending.screen
    • Blending.colorDodge

    • Blending.overlay
    • Blending.softLight
    • Blending.hardLight

    • Blending.difference
    • Blending.exclusion

    • Blending.hue
    • Blending.saturation
    • Blending.color
    • Blending.luminosity
    014 demo options [95]
    • point
    • convertPointToCanvas()
    • convertPointToScreen()
    • convertPointToLayer()
    • on()
    • off()
    • ignoreEvents (default true)(auto disabled when add events listener)
    014 demo options [95]
    • center()
    • centerX()
    • centerY()
    • pixelAlign()
    • screenFrame
    • contentFrame()
    • centerFrame()
    • originX
    • originY
    • originZ
    • perspective
    • flat
    • backfaceVisible
    • rotationX
    • rotationY
    014 demo options [95]

    gif of layer - html and css
    • clip (disabled by default - if parent clips children)
    • html (best to use this in conjunction with ignoreEvents = false)
      Remeber: only available after Framer has rendered them
      Used to insert html content into a layer
    • style (get CSS variables for a property)
    • classList
    • destroy()(remove a layer and its children)
    • copy()(note: will not copy layer listeners)
    • copySingle()(copies a layer without its children)
    • color (as with css - this is for text and not background layer)

    017 pageComponent

    017 demo options [14]
    gif of pageComponent page = new PageComponent

    • page.addPage(layername, "right")
    • page.originX
    • page.originY
    • page.velocityThreshold = 5
      switch to be based on distance
    • page.animationOptions =
      - curve: Bezier.ease
      - time: 1
    • page.currentPage (read only)
    • page.closestPage (read only)
    • page.previousPage
    • page.snapToPage(
      - pageFive
      - true
      - animationOptions = time: 2
    • page.snapToNextPage (page, animate, animationOptions )
    • page.snapToPreviousPage(direction, animate, animationOptions)
    • page.horizontalPageIndex(pageThree)
    • page.verticalPageIndex(pageThree)
    To Add
    • .nextPage()

    018 pinchable

    018 demo options [11]
    gif of pinchable transition layerA.pinchable.enabled = true

    • pinchable.centerOrigin = false (t default)
    • pinchable.minScale = 0.9
    • pinchable.maxScale = 2
    • pinchable.threshold = 6
    • pinchable.rotate = false (t default)
    • pinchable.scaleFactor = 1.2
    • pinchable.rotateIncrements = 15
    • pinchable.rotateFactor = 0.5
    Not Shown
    • pinchable.scaleIncrements = 0.5
    • pinchable.scale = false (t default)

    019 print

    019 demo options [0]
    gif of print Acts in a similar manner to console.log() in JavaScript.

    Want to use this section to show print in context

    020 rangeSliderComponent

    020 demo options [10]
    gif of rangeSliderComponent range = new RangeSliderComponent

    ➖ RangeSliderComponent
    • min: 0 (0 default)
    • max: 10 (1 default)
    • minValue: 2 (0 default)
    • maxValue: 8 (0.5 default)
    • range.fill.backgroundColor = "#EF2D56"
    ⚪ ⚪
    • range.knobSize = 30 (30 default)
    • range.minKnob.draggable.momentum = false (t default)
    • range.maxKnob.draggable.momentum = false (t default)
    • range.animateToMinValue(1)
    • range.animateToMaxValue(9)

    021 screen

    021 demo options [10]
    gif of screen 💈
    • .backgroundColor
    • Screen.perspective = 1000 (1200 by default)
    • Screen.perspectiveOriginX = 1 (default 0.5)
    • Screen.perspectiveOriginY = 1 (default 0.5)
    🖨️📱 (not shown, read only)
    • Screen.size
    • Screen.frame (read only)
    📱 - not shown:
    • Screen.width
    • Screen.height
    Not Shown/Not Sure
    • Screen.convertPointToCanvas(point)
    • Screen.convertPointToLayer(point, layer)

    022 scrollComponent is in progress

    022 demo options [28]
    📜 Version 1

    gif of scrollcomponent

    💻⌨️ Version 2

    gif of scrollcomponent
    scroll = new ScrollComponent

    • ScrollComponent is built with two layers
    • The scroll component itself masks another layer

    📜 Version 1: Built Primarily in Design Mode
    • .scroll: true
    • .scrollVertical: true
    • .scrollHorizontal: false
    • .speedX: 1 (default 1)
    • .mouseWheelEnabled: true (default f)
    • .contentInset =
      - top: 150
      gives content extra padding between the constraints and actual content layers
    💻⌨️ Version 2: Built entirely in Code Mode
    • layerA.parent = scroll.content
      scroll.content is the layer content is added to
    • scroll.directionLock = true
      (only allows scrolling in one direction at a time)
    • .speedY: 0.5 (default 1)
    • speedX: 0.5 (default 1)
    • scroll.direction (read only)
      scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
      print scroll.direction
    • scroll.isMoving
      (printed alongside scroll.direction)
    • scroll.directionLockThreshold =
      - x: 550
      - y: 0
      (used here to make a tempermental horizontal scrolling component)
    • scroll.velocity
      scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
      print scroll2.velocity
    • scroll.angle
      (printed in this example alongside velocity)
    • scroll.isDragging
      (printed alongside angle and velocity)
    To Add
    • .scrollPoint
    • .scrollFrame
    • .closestContentLayer()
    • .closestContentLayerForScrollPoint()
    • .scrollToPoint
    • .scrollToLayer
    • .scrollToClosestLayer()
    • .updateContent()
    • scroll.propagateEvents - (set to true by default)
      Use when working with nested ScrollComponents or PageComponents
      Use it to prevent draggable children passing events to their parents
    To Investigate
    • .scrollX (horizontal scroll location)
    • .scrollY (vertical scroll location)
    Not Shown
    • .wrap() - used when making imported layers scrollable
    • scroll.copy - duplicate a scroll component

    023 sliderComponent

    023 demo options [9]
    gif of sliderComponent slider = new SliderComponent

    • silder.backgroundColor = "#e599f7"
    • slider.fill.backgroundColor = "#be4bdb"
    • silder.knob.backgroundColor = "#FCF7FF"
    • slider.knobSize = 45 (30 default)
    • slider.knob.draggable.momentum = false (t default)
    • silder.min = 0 (0 default)
    • slider.max = 100 (1 default)
    • silder.animateToValue(20, {curve: Spring } )
    Not Shown: To Add
    • silder.pointForValue
    • slider.valueForPoint

    024 states

    024 demo options [2]
    gif of states
    • Default
      The initially active state
    • Current
      The currently active state
    • Previous
      The previously active state

    025 textLayer

    025 demo options [24]
    gif of textLayer title = new TextLayer

    🔡 TextLayer
    • text: "Hello {name}"
    • fontSize: 60
    • fontFamily: "Helvetica"
    • fontWeight: 700
    • fontStyle: "bold" (italic / bold / oblique)
    • padding:
    • - top: -10 (default 0)
      - left: 0
      - bottom: 0
      - right: 0
    • lineHeight: 1.2 (0 default)
    • letterSpacing: 1.2 (0 default)
    • wordSpacing: 0 (default 0)
    • textAlign: "left" (left, right, center)
    • textTransform: "capitalize" (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize)
    • textDecoration: "none"
    • textIndent: 1
    • shadowX: 2
    • shadowY: 2
    • shadowBlur: 4;
    • shadowColor: "rgba (0,0,0,0.2)"
    • .template =
    • - name: "github"
    • .templateFormatter =
    • count: (value) ->
      - Utils.round(value, 0)
    • .animate
    • -template:
      count: 1000
    • .textReplace("replace", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit")
    • ("from", "to")
    • truncate: true
    • height: 50
    Not Shown: To Troubleshoot
    • textOverflow: "ellipsis"
    • - truncate boolean worked however
    • font: "bold, 700, 60px/1, Helvetica"
    • - (fontStyle fontWeight fontSize*/lineHeight fontFamily*)
      * = mandatory

    026 utilities

    026 demo options [23]
    gif of utilities
    • Utils.modulate()
    • used here for parallax scroll
    • Utils.loadWebFont("Bungee Shade")
    • Utils.loadWebFont("Roboto", 700)
    • text.text = Utils.round(Utils.randomNumber(0, 100), 2)
    • .backgroundColor = Utils.randomColor(1)
    • Utils.labelLayer(layer, "Hello")
    • .image = Utils.randomImage()
    • Utils.randomImage(Layer)
    • (clips to layer)
    🔲 (only works for border?)
    • layer.classList.add("testClass")
    • css = {...;}
    🔍 Printed Items
    • Utils.cycle(["a", "b", "c"])
    • Utils.randomChoice([":banana:",":apple:",":watermelon:"])
    • Utils.delay 0.5, ->
    • print "delayed reaction"
    • print Utils.frameInset({x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100}, 10)
    • Utils.interval 1, ->
    • print "one second"
    • handler = Utils.throttle 0.5, ->
    • print "hello"
      for i in [10...100]
    • handler = Utils.debounce 0.1, ->
    • print "hello"
      for i in [1..100]
    Not Shown - these return a boolean
    • Utils.isWebKit()
    • Utils.isChrome()
    • Utils.isSafari()
    • Utils.isTouch()
    • Utils.isDesktop()
    • Utils.isPhone()
    • Utils.isTablet()
    • Utils.isMobile()

    027 videoLayer

    027 demo options [2]
    gif of videoLayer layerA = new VideoLayer

    • new VideoLayer:
    • video: "name.mp4"
    • .player.autoplay = true
    • .player.fastSeek(2)

    To complete:

    • Understand point to canvas commands
    • Use folds to improve readability of raw framer files
    • Investigate 016 Modules
    • Investigate 015 MIDI Component
    • Understand 014 layers blending ( - credit to Davo Galavotti
    • Finish 014 layers
    • Finish 010 events
    • Change colors on 026 Utils
    • More in context examples
    • Replace devices with native iPhone X model


    RayPS - iPhone X Framer device mockup from: