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D2MD Logo

D2MD: a DNA-Drug Molecular Docking suite.

The suite aims to help automatizing and batch processing the molecular docking studies of DNA-Drug complexes. All the upcoming programs work on Windows, Mac and Linux.


AutoDock Helper

AutoDock Helper Logo

A simple GUI to the AutoGrid and AutoDock programs, in the case the AutoDockTools GUI is too buggy also for you!


  • Java 6+
  • AutoDock 4.2+

Vina Helper

Vina Helper Logo

Starting from an AutoDock 4.2 grid file and the ligand PDBQT, this program allows you to perform a docking simulation by AutoDock Vina without having to build any configuration file or recalculate any grid.


  • Java 6+
  • AutoDock 4.2+
  • AutoDock Vina 1.1.2+

Energy Analyzer

Energy Analyzer Logo

Output of AutoDock and Vina simulations can be analyzed better with these tools, by doing a mean on all conformations or on a particular RMS cluster set.


  • Java 6+
  • AutoDock 4.2+
  • AutoDock Vina 1.1.2+
  • MGLTools 1.5.6rc2+

Vina Docking

Vina Docking Logo

This programs is a full featured DNA-Drug Vina docking simulation. It's completely automatized since starting from the ligand and DNA PDB files one needs only to select one of the automatically discovered intercalation spaces (or none if blind docking) and start a simulation!


  • Java 6+
  • Java 3D 1.5.2+
  • BioJava 3.0.2+
  • AutoDock Vina 1.1.2+
  • MGLTools 1.5.6rc2+


In order to obtain full batch processing 2 BASH scripts are available for AutoDock and Vina. Another BASH script is also available if one would like to perform Molecular Dynamics with Gromacs. All the scripts run interactively if no arguments are passed to them.

AutoDock Script

AutoDock Script Logo

$ ad -g | SKIP -d | SKIP

Avoid using any file extension!
Assuming .gpf for grid and .dpf for docking.


  • BASH 3.2+
  • AutoDock 4.2+

AutoDock Vina Script

AutoDock Vina Script Logo

$ av -l -g [-c #{cpu}] [-e exhaustiveness] [-m #{modes}]

Avoid using any file extension!
Assuming .pdbqt for ligand and .gpf for grid.
Number of CPUs, modes and exhaustiveness should be greater than zero.


  • BASH 3.2+
  • AutoDock 4.2+
  • AutoDock Vina 1.1.2+

Gromacs Script

Gromacs Script Logo

$ gr [quiet]

Use quiet to suppress the output of intermediate steps.


  • BASH 3.2+
  • Gromacs 4.5.5+
  • AmberTools 1.5+