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MonoRepo Example with Lerna and Yarn

MonoRepo What and when

A monorepo is a repository consisting of multiple packages/packages which can be related but not necessary. Few of the famous monorepos are managed by Babel, Facebook, Google. Monolith !== monorepo. Monolith is huge amount of coupled code of 1 application that is hell to maintain.


  • Simplified organization.
  • Easy to coordinate changes across modules.
  • Simplified dependencies.
  • Single lint, build, test and release process.
  • Tooling.
  • Single place to report issues
  • Cross-project changes
  • Tests across modules are run together → finds bugs that touch multiple modules easier

Steps with yarn and Lerna

  • create a package.json file in root directory or just hit npm init.
  • Add private: true in package.json to avoid accidental publishing of private repositories.
  • Add workspaces: ["packages"] in package.json to add and access all the projects/packages.
  • cd into the directories and hit yarn init -y
  • Hit yarn install anywhere in the project mostly in the root directory, this creates a symklink i.e it creates a link between the package and generated packages in the node_modules
  • To install lerna add yarn -D -W lerna where -D is for dev dependency alternatively can be installed with npm
  • Hit npx lerna init --independent/-i (Use -i for independent versioning mode) and generate lerna repo.
  • Add useWorkspaces: true and npmClient: yarn in lerna.json.
  • Use lerna run <command name> to run command across all packages within the project
  • We can add scoping with Lerna by using lerna run <command name --scope= @projectname/packagename> this should be same as that of package.json.
  • Scoping can be done for multiple packages too example lerna run <command name --scope= {@projectname/pkg1, @projectname/pkg2}>.
  • lerna init -
    Creates a new lerna repo or upgrade existing to lerna comes with --independent flag for independent versioning.

  • lerna bootstrap -
    Bootstrap the packages in the current Lerna repo. Installing all their dependencies and linking any cross-dependencies. This command is crucial, as it allows you to use your package names in require() as if the packages were already existing and available in your node_modules folder.

  • lerna run -
    Run an npm script in each package that contains that script. Alternatively, @scope can be used to run the command on the mentioned packages.

  • lerna version -
    Bump version of packages changed since the last release. More here.
    When run, this command does the following:

    1. Identifies packages that have been updated since the previous tagged release.
    2. Prompts for a new version.
    3. Modifies package metadata to reflect new release.
    4. Commits those changes and tags the commit.
    5. Pushes to the git remote.
  • lerna publish -
    Publish packages in the current project. More Options

  • lerna changed -
    Check which packages have changed since the last release.

  • lerna diff -
    Diff all packages or a single package since the last release.More


Monorepo example with lerna and yarn







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