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This project implements a person detection and tracking system using YOLOv8 for real-time object detection, Deep SORT for object tracking, and OSNet for person re-identification. The model assigns unique IDs to each person and tracks them throughout the video, even after occlusion or re-entry into the frame.

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Person Detection & Tracking with YOLOv8 and DeepSORT

This project implements a person detection and tracking pipeline using the YOLOv8n object detection model and DeepSORT for multi-object tracking, along with OSNet for person re-identification. The code processes a video, detects persons in each frame, and tracks them across the video, ensuring that each person is uniquely identified even after temporary occlusion.


The project aims to:

  1. Detect persons in each frame using the YOLOv8n model.
  2. Track the detected persons over time using DeepSORT.
  3. Re-identify persons after occlusion or re-entry using the OSNet re-identification model.
  4. Output the video with annotated bounding boxes and unique IDs for each person.


The following Python packages are required:

  • numpy
  • torch
  • ultralytics (YOLOv8 model)
  • deep-sort-realtime
  • opencv-python
  • torchreid (for OSNet re-identification)
  • gdown

To install the required dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download YOLOv8n Pretrained Model: The pretrained YOLOv8n model is automatically downloaded by the ultralytics package. Make sure you are connected to the internet for this step.

  2. Download OSNet Pretrained Model: The OSNet model is built into the torchreid package and is loaded directly in the script.

Code Structure

  • yolo_model = YOLO(""): Loads the YOLOv8n model, which is used to detect objects (particularly persons) in the video frames.

  • DeepSORT Initialization: The DeepSORT tracker is initialized to handle object tracking by associating bounding boxes across frames.

  • OSNet for Person Re-identification: OSNet is used to generate embeddings for each detected person. This allows the model to re-identify people after occlusions.

  • Main Loop: The code reads the video frame-by-frame, applies YOLO to detect persons, uses DeepSORT for tracking, and applies re-identification with OSNet to ensure consistent IDs throughout the video.

Explanation of Key Components

1. YOLOv8 Model for Person Detection

  • YOLOv8n is a state-of-the-art object detection model designed to detect multiple classes, including persons (class ID = 0).
  • The model processes each frame of the video to detect persons and output bounding boxes with confidence scores.

2. DeepSORT Tracker

  • DeepSORT tracks objects (persons) by associating the bounding boxes from one frame to the next based on motion and appearance features.
  • It also handles occlusions and re-entry of the objects into the frame.

3. OSNet for Re-identification

  • OSNet is a specialized network for person re-identification. It generates unique embeddings for each detected person.
  • These embeddings are used to compare and identify the same person even if the track is temporarily lost (e.g., due to occlusion).

4. Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)

  • After detecting multiple objects, NMS is applied to filter out overlapping detections and ensure that only the most confident detections remain.

5. Bounding Box and ID Assignment

  • The tracker assigns a unique ID to each person detected in the video, and this ID persists across frames.
  • The IDs are displayed alongside bounding boxes, which are drawn around each detected person.

Running the Code

To run the project:

  1. Ensure you have the necessary video file: Place your video in the test_videos directory or adjust the path to point to your video file.

  2. Run the script:

  3. View the output: The script will display the video with bounding boxes and unique IDs for each tracked person. It will also save the output video (output_person_tracking.mp4) to the current directory.

Important Parameters

  • CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.5: Minimum confidence for YOLO detections. Increase this value to reduce false positives.

  • NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.3: Threshold for Non-Maximum Suppression to handle overlapping bounding boxes.

  • REIDENTIFY_DELAY_FRAMES = 30: Maximum number of frames to wait before attempting re-identification of a lost person track.

  • DeepSORT Parameters:

    • max_age=200: Maximum number of frames an object can remain undetected before its track is removed.
    • n_init=5: Minimum number of consecutive detections before an object is confirmed as being tracked.
    • nms_max_overlap=0.5: Maximum allowed overlap for NMS in the DeepSORT tracker.


  1. ID Switching: If you notice frequent switching of person IDs, try adjusting the max_age, n_init, and nms_max_overlap parameters of the DeepSORT tracker to improve tracking consistency.

  2. Overlapping Detections: If overlapping detections are an issue, increasing the NMS_THRESHOLD can help eliminate redundant bounding boxes.

  3. Low FPS: If the processing speed is low, consider reducing the video resolution or switching to a faster model (e.g., a lighter version of YOLOv8).



This project implements a person detection and tracking system using YOLOv8 for real-time object detection, Deep SORT for object tracking, and OSNet for person re-identification. The model assigns unique IDs to each person and tracks them throughout the video, even after occlusion or re-entry into the frame.







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