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Ns Chat




This is a fullstack chat application. It's still under development and I've been doing this to learn Nullstack.

External dependencies:

  • uuid
  • axios
  • prisma
  • @prisma/client
  • bcryptjs


  • This project is currently hosted on Replit
  • Registered name on freenom
  • Configured on cloudflare

Cool stuff

Uploads and voice recordings work and are uploaded on, with this little thing


Why not?

Managed to work for the first time with sassy SaaS

Also, due to react fatigue.

How to run this Project

Install the dependencies:

npm install or yarn

Fix webpack issues


externals: ['_http_common', 'encoding'],

on Nullstack webpack config. You can put it in the return of the server function, as we're using prisma.

Migrate your database

run yarn db:migrate, and choose migration name, like "init".

Run the app in development mode

Cool! Now you'll be able to run the app in development mode:

For this, run npm start or yarn start

Finanly, open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

How to build this project

Fix webpack issues

To build, due to PurgeCSS plugin, go to /node_modules/nullstack/webpack.config.js and comment these lines:

if (argv.environment === 'production') {
  plugins.push(new PurgecssPlugin({
    paths: glob.sync(`src/**/*`, { nodir: true }),
    content: ['./**/*.njs'],
    safelist: ['script', 'body', 'html', 'style'],
    defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[^<>"'`\s]*[^<>"'`\s:]/g) || [],

(Around line ~225)


After running yarn build,

To run it in production you will need the following folders and files:

  • /node_modules
  • /.production
  • /prisma
  • /db-scripts
  • /public
  • package.json
  • yarn.lock or package-lock.json

Then, run yarn prod. It will be listening to port 3000.

Thoughts on Nullstack:

  • Nullstack has got a very nice and helpful community on discord, just not active enough as it's still undergroundish.
  • Documentation is pretty ok
  • IT'S FAST. My computer (4th gen i5, 16gb) builds this project is less than 10s
  • It has an interesting different approach for serverside stuff
  • Typescript is not implemented by default yet, and you cannot create a project with a typescript template yet
  • It is missing some custom webpack configurations. You need to use the default one.
  • Atomic design will not work very well here out of the box
  • It does not come with lint, prettier, neither jest by default
  • It might be production ready.

How it looks:

image image image

To do list:

  • Design pages
  • Read Nullstack documentation
  • Host project with random/mocked data
  • Implement an actual database to store messages
  • Implement theming
  • Increase security (Not use sessionStorage)
  • Implement profile pages
  • Implement DMs

Learn more about Nullstack

Read the documentation


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