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Kotlin Date Extensions

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Set of useful kotlin extension functions for Date


Add the kotlin-date-extensions to your dependencies section:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

How to use

Top level functions

val now: Date = now()
val today: Date= today()
val yesterday: Date = yesterday()

// Date ranges

val currentMonthRange: DateRange = currentMonthRange()
val date: Date = now().adjust(year = 2020, month = 4, day = 28)
val result: Boolean = date in currentMonthRange // to check if this date is in current month or not

fun previousMonthRange(): DateRange
fun nextMonthRange(): DateRange
fun currentYearRange(): DateRange 
fun previousYearRange(): DateRange
fun nextYearRange(): DateRange

For more info about DateRange take a look at Kotlin Date Range

Initialize by adjusting a date components

val date = Date().adjust(year = 2020, month = 4, day = 28, hour = 16, minute = 23, second = 45, millisecond = 999)


val twoDaysAgo: Date = 2.toDay().ago
val tomorrow: Date = 1.toDay().sinceNow
val lastYear: Date = 1.toYear().ago
val nextMonth: Date = 1.toMonth().sinceNow

Plus and minus operations

val twoMonthsAgo: Date = today() - 2.toMonth()
val tenYearsAfterHisBirthday = Date() + 10.toYear()

Start and end date components

val startOfMonth = Date().startOfMonth
val endOfMonth = Date().endOfMonth

val startOfYear = Date().startOfYear
val endOfYear = Date().endOfYear

Format and parse

Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") // "2020-04-28 22:27:00"

val date = "2020-04-28".toDate("yyyy-MM-dd")


Copyright 2020 Reza Moallemi.

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.