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Pump It Up - ML Project

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  • Driven Data Username: moracse_170342n
  • Name: M.H. Lamahewage
  • Index No.: 170342N


  • Went through the train dataset and observed the features using various tools.
  • The dataset was found to be imbalanced. Weighted F1-score was used for evaluation.
functional non-functional functional needs repair
32259 22824 4317
  • Features with missing values, null values, zeros and other inconsistencies were identified.
  • Features with high cardinality were identified.
  • Features with high correlation/similar features were identified.


Handling Missing Values

  • Replaced null values with the mode for categorical features.
  • Replace other missing values such as unknown, None and 0 with mean for numerical features and mode for categorical features.

Features with high correlation

These features were found to have high correlation or were similar upon manual inspection.

  • extraction_type, extraction_type_group, extraction_type_class
  • payment, payment_type
  • water_quality, quality_group
  • quantity, quantity_group
  • source, source_type, source_class
  • region, region_code
  • waterpoint_type, waterpoint_type_group One of each were chosen based on several factors and the remaining features were dropped.

Ordinal Encoding

  • Categorical features which are ordered or had too many categories were encoded using the OrdinalEncoder.
  • Features: "funder","installer", "subvillage", "lga", "ward", "public_meeting", "permit", "management", "payment_type", "water_quality", "date_recorded".

OneHot Encoding

  • Categorical features which aren't ordered and had a smaller number of categories were encoded using the OneHotEncoder
  • Features: "basin", "scheme_management", "extraction_type_class", "management_group", "quantity", "source_type", "waterpoint_type".

Label Encoding

  • The labels were encoded using the LabelEncoder

Feature Selection

  • Corelation of different features were inspected and leaving only one each of similar features, the rest were dropped.
  • Two features were removed as all the values were the same in every row.
  • Features with too many missing values were also dropped.

Feature Engineering

  • Added new feature active_time which represents the total time the pump has been active by the recorded date.

Model Selection

  • RandomForestClassifier
  • XGBoost and RandomForest were considered and RandomForest was used due to better results.
  • parameters: n_estimators=600, max_depth=40, min_samples_split=10


Score Current Rank # competitiors Submission Date
0.8170 1624 12453 Sept. 16, 2021

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Notebook for the DataDriven Pump it up challenge.







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