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raspberry pi image generation

  • This repo produces raspberry pi os images that are ready for common tasks. Namely:

    • kubernetes nodes
      • enables ssh
      • installs:
        • kubeadm
        • kubectl
        • kubelet
        • docker
        • curl
    • docker host
      • enables ssh
      • installs:
        • docker
        • curl
    • ssh enabled
      • enables ssh
      • installs:
        • curl
  • Simply download the desired image, decompress, and flash to an sd card

    # List latest available release asset names, select one and export as an env var $NAME
    curl -s | jq '.assets[].name'
    export NAME=raspios-ssh-enabled.tar.gz
    # Download the archive
    curl -s \
        | jq -r --arg NAME = "$NAME" '.assets[] | select( .name == $NAME).browser_download_url' \
        | wget -qi -
    # Extract image and flash the card
    tar -xvf $NAME
    sudo dd if=docker/src/custom-raspios-arm.img of=/dev/<SD CARD DEVICE NAME> bs=4M status=progress conv=fsync

Running Templates Locally With Packer

  • initialize packer build machine with following these instructions

    • needs:
  • use script to update the packer template with the latest raspios release and build

    # usage 
    ./ -h
    cd pi-imager
    ./fetch-image -u
    ./fetch-image -b

Running Builder With Docker

  • See packages for latest image tag
  • Provide an install script to be run on the base image with packer
docker run \
    --privileged=true \
    -v /dev:/dev \
    -v $(pwd)/src:/home/builder/src \
    -e script=<image-init-script>
    -it<latest image tag>