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GitHub Action

Setup Fortran


Setup Fortran

Test Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub tag

Set up a Fortran compiler on Ubuntu, macOS and Windows runners.


    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
          - {compiler: gcc, version: 13}
          - {compiler: intel, version: '2023.2'}
          - {compiler: intel-classic, version: '2021.10'}
          - {compiler: nvidia-hpc, version: '23.11'}
          - os: ubuntu-latest
            toolchain: {compiler: gcc, version: 12}
          - os: macos-latest
            toolchain: {compiler: intel, version: '2023.2'}
          - os: macos-latest
            toolchain: {compiler: nvidia-hpc, version: '23.11'}
          - os: windows-latest
            toolchain: {compiler: nvidia-hpc, version: '23.11'}

      - uses: fortran-lang/setup-fortran@v1
        id: setup-fortran
          compiler: ${{ matrix.toolchain.compiler }}
          version: ${{ matrix.toolchain.version }}

      - run: |
          ${{ env.FC }} ... # environment vars FC, CC, and CXX are set
          ${{ steps.setup-fortran.outputs.fc }} ... # outputs work too


  • compiler: Compiler toolchain to setup, available options are
    • gcc (for gfortran)
    • intel (for ifx)
    • intel-classic (for ifort)
    • nvidia-hpc (for nvfortran)
  • version: Version of the compiler toolchain. See runner compatibility charts below.


The action sets the following outputs:

  • fc: Fortran compiler executable, e.g. gfortran
  • cc: C compiler executable, e.g. gcc
  • cxx: C++ compiler executable, e.g. g++

C/C++ compilers of the same toolchain/version are provided where possible, otherwise (if a standalone Fortran compiler is selected) defaulting to the preinstalled GCC. While this action attempts to guarantee Fortran compiler compatibility with all supported platform/toolchain/version combinations, no corresponding guarantee is made with regard to C/C++ compilers — use at your own risk.

Environment variables

The same values are also set as environment variables:

  • FC
  • CC
  • CXX

Corresponding FPM environment variables are also set:

  • FPM_FC
  • FPM_CC

These are made available to subsequent workflow steps via the GITHUB_ENV environment file mechanism.

Runner compatibility

Toolchain support varies across GitHub-hosted runner images.

runner gcc 10 gcc 11 gcc 12 gcc 13 gcc 7 gcc 8 gcc 9 intel-classic 2021.1 intel-classic 2021.10 intel-classic 2021.2 intel-classic 2021.3 intel-classic 2021.4 intel-classic 2021.5 intel-classic 2021.6 intel-classic 2021.7.1 intel-classic 2021.7 intel-classic 2021.8 intel-classic 2021.9 intel-classic 2021.1.2 intel 2021.1.2 intel 2021.1 intel 2021.2 intel 2021.4 intel 2022.0 intel 2022.1 intel 2022.2.1 intel 2022.2 intel 2023.0 intel 2023.1 intel 2023.2 intel 2024.0 nvidia-hpc 20.11 nvidia-hpc 21.11 nvidia-hpc 22.11 nvidia-hpc 23.11 nvidia-hpc 23.3 nvidia-hpc 23.5 nvidia-hpc 23.7 nvidia-hpc 23.9

Note: Intel's ifx compiler is not supported on macOS, so the intel option redirects to intel-classic (ifort).


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