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Simple TODO parser written in Python. Report TODOS as ISSUES in Github.

Priorities in TODOs

The more number of ending characters in the keyword, the more priority.

Consider following example sorted accordingly:

  • TODOOO: Highest priority
  • TODOO: Less priority
  • TODO: Lowest priority

Here, number of 'O's determine the priority of each item.

Auto Parsing Comment Identifier

Supported for the following languages:

Python, Bash, Java, C, C++, R, Perl, Elixir, Erlang, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, C#, Rust, Golang, Kotlin, Haskell

Github Issue Reporting

Pass the -gh flag in the program to enable Github Issue Reporting. The github credentials are picked up from creds.json in the current working directory. The file looks like following:

   "user"       : <github-username>,
   "repo"       : <github-repository>,
   "auth_token" : <github-access-token>

pip -r requirements.txt will install requests library of Python which is needed to send request to github API. Guide on creating your own Access Token: link.

Quick Start

$ python3 -h

Usage: python ./ -i <file_path> [OPTIONS]

   -i  (str)  : Input file path
   -c  (str)  : Comment Identifier (default: `//`)
                (Auto-Comment-Identification Parser will be overridden if this flag is passed)
   -k  (str)  : Keyword to be parsed (default: `TODO`)
   -s  (bool) : Save TODOs to file
   -p  (bool) : Enable/Disable Priority Mode (default: enabled)
   -v  (bool) : Enable/Disable Verbose Mode (default: disabled)
   -gh (bool) : Report issues to Github (default: disabled)
   -h  (bool) : Print this help and exit

$ python3 -i
Line: 31 -> TODOOOOOO: This is a self referencing item; Highest priority
Line: 234 -> TODOOO: Take file name as input and save to that file name
Line: 50 -> TODOO: Another one
Line: 76 -> TODO: another one
Line: 237 -> TODO: Test todo and this is a continuation

With priority disabled (pass -p flag)

$ python3 -i -p
Line: 31 -> TODOOOOOO: This is a self referencing item; Highest priority
Line: 50 -> TODOO: Another one
Line: 76 -> TODO: another one
Line: 234 -> TODOOO: Take file name as input and save to that file name
Line: 237 -> TODO: Test todo and this is a continuation

With verbose mode (pass -v flag)

$ python3 -i -k 'FIXME' -v
Auto found comment identifier for file `` : #
Keyword                 : FIXME
Comment Identifier      : #
Priority Mode           : enabled
Save To File            : disabled
Report Issues to Github : disabled
File               :
Total Lines        : 278
Total Blank Lines  : 36

Line: 67 -> FIXMEEE : Highest Priority Fix
Line: 218 -> FIXMEE: Second priority fix
Line: 132 -> FIXME: Demo FixMe

Github Issue Reporting (pass -gh flag)

$ python3 -i ./ -v -gh
Auto found comment identifier for file `./` : #
Keyword                 : TODO
Comment Identifier      : #
Priority Mode           : enabled
Save To File            : disabled
Report Issues to Github : enabled
File               : ./
Total Lines        : 278
Total Blank Lines  : 36

Line: 31 -> TODOOOOOO: This is a self referencing item; Highest priority
Line: 234 -> TODOOO: Take file name as input and save to that file name
Line: 50 -> TODOO: Another one
Line: 76 -> TODO: another one
Line: 237 -> TODO: Test todo and this is a continuation

Github User : mannasoumya
Github Repo : test-gh-api
Title : `This is a self referencing item; Highest priority`
Body  :  
Do you want to report this todo ? (y/n/q)  n
Not reporting this issue....

Title : `Another one`
Body  :  
Do you want to report this todo ? (y/n/q)  n
Not reporting this issue....

Title : `another one`
Body  :  
Do you want to report this todo ? (y/n/q)  n
Not reporting this issue....

Title : `Take file name as input`
Body  :  and save to that file name 
Do you want to report this todo ? (y/n/q)  y
Issue 9: `Take file name as input` created successfully

Title : `Test todo`
Body  :  and this  is a continuation
Do you want to report this todo ? (y/n/q)  y
Issue 10: `Test todo` created successfully