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Extends SquadJS functionality


This is a copy paste of SquadJS readme so expect similarities.

Due to creating this script long ago, my org & I have parted ways, so I have decided to open source my SquadJS code after 2 years of being apart of the Squad community.


Upgrading SquadJS

  1. Download & extract SquadJS.
  2. Overwrite SquadJS contents.
  3. Run npm install -g yarn to update the global yarn version to latest v1.
  4. Run yarn set version berry to enable v2.
  5. Run yarn config set nodeLinker node-modules.
  6. Run yarn install to migrate the lockfile.

Single line code:

npm install -g yarn && yarn set version berry && yarn config set nodeLinker node-modules && yarn install

Configuring SquadJS

SquadJS can be configured via a JSON configuration file which, by default, is located in the SquadJS and is named config.json.

The config file needs to be valid JSON syntax. If an error is thrown saying the config cannot be parsed then try putting the config into a JSON syntax checker (there's plenty to choose from that can be found via Google).


Server Configuration

The following section of the configuration contains information about your Squad server.

"server": {
  "...": "...",
  "webURL": ""
  • webURL - Your Squad servers website or BattleMetrics page.


Connector Configuration


Connects to Discord via discord.js.

  "discord": {
    "clientID": "Discord Application ID",
    "guidID": "Discord Server ID",
    "token": "Discord Login Token",
    "intents": ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "MessageContent"],
    "channelIDs": [
        "label": "Channel Name",
        "channelID": "Chanel ID"
    "embedDefaults": {
      "clan": "[SquadJS] ",
      "name": "Cerberus",
      "iconURL": "",
      "url": "",
      "format": {
        "player": "[[{{name}}]([search]={{EOSID}}&method=quick&redirect=1 'Go to BattleMetrics')] - [[{{steamID}}]({{steamID}} 'Go to Steam Profile')]",
        "squad": "{{squadID}} : {{squadName}}",
        "team": "{{teamID}} : {{teamName}}"
    "webhook": {
      "id": "Webhook ID",
      "token": "Webhook Token"
  • clientID - Your discord bots ID
  • guidID - Your discord server ID
  • token - Your discord bots "Reset Token"
  • intents - Your discord bots intents, see Gateway Intents
  • channelIDs - An array of channels you would like to use.
  • channelIDs:label - A label to use when calling sendDiscordMessage(message, {{LABELS}}), example sendDiscordMessage('My discord message', 'admin-alerts')
  • channelIDs:channelID - Discord Channel ID
  • embedDefaults - The default layout for embed messages, see Embeds
  • embedDefaults:clan - Your server clan, can be an empty string.
  • embedDefaults:name - Embeded message title, can be an empty string.
  • embedDefaults:iconURL - Embeded message iconURL, can be null.
  • embedDefaults:url - Embeded message URL, can be null.
  • embedDefaults:format - Embeded message fields, will convert player data.
  • embedDefaults:format:player - Player string.
  • embedDefaults:format:squad - Player squad string.
  • embedDefaults:format:team - Team string.
  • webhook - Optional, see Webhooks
  • webhook:id - Enter the ID part of{{ID}}/token
  • webhook:token - Enter the TOKEN part of{{TOKEN}}


Connects to the BattleMetrics API.

  "BattleMetrics": {
    "BanLists": [
        "name": "Ban List Name",
        "listID": "Ban List ID",
        "UUID": "Ban List UUID"
    "listID": "Ban List ID",
    "orgID": "Org ID",
    "serverID": "Server ID",
    "token": "BattleMetrics Token",
    "UUID": "OWI"
  • BanLists - Array of Ban Lists to use, can be an empty Array!
  • BanLists:name - A name to use
  • BanLists:listID - A Ban List ID
  • BanLists:UUID - (OPTIONAL) A UUID to use when creating bans, can be an empty string.
  • listID - Default Ban List ID to use
  • orgID - BattleMetrics Org ID
  • serverID - BattleMetrics Server ID
  • token - BattleMetrics Token
  • UUID - A default UUID to use when creating bans, can be an empty string.


Console Output Configuration

The logger section configures how verbose a module of SquadJS will be as well as the displayed color.

    "logger": {
      "verboseness": {
        "SquadServer": 1,
        "LogParser": 1,
        "RCON": 1
      "colors": {
        "Toolkit": "cyanBright",
        "DiscordJS": "cyanBright",
        "Err": "redBright",
        "SquadServer": "yellowBright",
        "SquadServerFactory": "yellowBright",
        "LogParser": "blueBright",
        "RCON": "redBright"

The larger the number set in the verboseness section for a specified module the more it will print to the console.


Toolkit Plugins

Profanity Filter:

  "plugin": "ToolkitProfanity",
  "enabled": true,
  "bmClient": "BattleMetrics",
  "discordClient": "discord",
  "Ban": {
    "note": "Banned by Cerberus System",
    "reason": "{{reason}} | {{timeLeft}}"
  "embedInfo": {
    "clan": "[SquadJS] ",
    "name": "Cerberus",
    "iconURL": "",
    "url": "",
    "format": {
      "player": "[[{{name}}]([search]={{EOSID}}&method=quick&redirect=1 'Go to BattleMetrics')] - [[{{steamID}}]({{steamID}} 'Go to Steam Profile')]",
      "squad": "{{squadID}} : {{squadName}}",
      "team": "{{teamID}} : {{teamName}}"
  "ignoreChats": []
  • bmClient - Name of the BattleMetrics connector.

  • discordClient - Name of the Discord connector.

  • Ban:note - Added to the beginning of ban notes.

  • Ban:reason - Default ban reason.

  • embedInfo - Overwrites discord:embedDefaults.

  • ignoreChats - Ignore certain chats.


Extends SquadJS functionality








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