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Version: 1.1.1

A Magda Authentication Plugin for Okta.

Requires MAGDA version 0.0.58 or above.

How to Use

  1. Add the auth plugin as a Helm Chart Dependency
- name: magda-auth-okta
  version: 1.1.0
    - all
    - magda-auth-okta
  1. Config the auth plugin with Okta client Id & domain
  clientId: "xxxxxxxx"
  1. Config Gatway to add the auth plugin to Gateway's plugin list (More details see here)
  - key: okta
    baseUrl: http://magda-auth-okta
  1. Make sure oauth-secrets secret has the correct value for okta-client-secret key

  2. Identity provider setup:

Login return uri: https://[Magda External Access Domain]/auth/login/plugin/okta/return Logout return uri: https://[Magda External Access Domain]/auth/login/plugin/okta/logout/return


Kubernetes: >= 1.14.0-0

Repository Name Version magda-common 1.0.0


Key Type Default Description
authPluginConfig.authenticationMethod string "IDP-URI-REDIRECTION" The authentication method of the plugin. Support values are:
  • IDP-URI-REDIRECTION: the plugin will rediredct user agent to idp (identity provider) for authentication. e.g. Google & fackebook oauth etc.
  • PASSWORD: the plugin expect frontend do a form post that contains username & password to the plugin for authentication.
  • QR-CODE: the plugin offers a url that is used by the frontend to request auth challenge data. The data will be encoded into a QR-code image and expect the user scan the QR code with a mobile app to complete the authentication request.
See Authentication Plugin Specification for more details
authPluginConfig.explicitLogout bool true whether explicitly logout okta session when user is logged out from Magda
authPluginConfig.iconUrl string "/icon.svg" the display icon URL of the auth plugin.
authPluginConfig.key string "okta" the unique key of the auth plugin. Allowed characters: [a-zA-Z0-9-]
authPluginConfig.loginFormExtraInfoContent string "" Optional; Only applicable when authenticationMethod = "PASSWORD". If present, will displayed the content underneath the login form to provide extra info to users. e.g. how to reset password Can support content in markdown format.
authPluginConfig.loginFormExtraInfoHeading string "" Optional; Only applicable when authenticationMethod = "PASSWORD". If present, will displayed the heading underneath the login form to provide extra info to users. e.g. how to reset password
authPluginConfig.loginFormPasswordFieldLabel string "Password" Optional; Only applicable when authenticationMethod = "PASSWORD".
authPluginConfig.loginFormUsernameFieldLabel string "Username" Optional; Only applicable when authenticationMethod = "PASSWORD". string "Okta" the display name of the auth plugin.
authPluginConfig.qrCodeAuthResultPollUrl string "" Only applicable & compulsory when authenticationMethod = "QR-CODE". The url that is used by frontend to poll the authentication processing result. See Authentication Plugin Specification for more details
authPluginConfig.qrCodeExtraInfoContent string "" Only applicable & compulsory when authenticationMethod = "QR-CODE". If present, will displayed the content underneath the login form to provide extra info to users. e.g. how to download moile app to scan the QR Code. Can support content in markdown format.
authPluginConfig.qrCodeExtraInfoHeading string "" Only applicable & compulsory when authenticationMethod = "QR-CODE". If present, will displayed the heading underneath the QR Code image to provide extra instruction to users. e.g. how to download moile app to scan the QR Code
authPluginConfig.qrCodeImgDataRequestUrl string "" Only applicable & compulsory when authenticationMethod = "QR-CODE". The url that is used by frontend client to request auth challenge data from the authentication plugin. See Authentication Plugin Specification for more details
authPluginRedirectUrl string nil the redirection url after the whole authentication process is completed. Authentication Plugins will use this value as default. The following query paramaters can be used to supply the authentication result:
  • result: (string) Compulsory. Possible value: "success" or "failure".
  • errorMessage: (string) Optional. Text message to provide more information on the error to the user.
This field is for overriding the value set by global.authPluginRedirectUrl. Unless you want to have a different value only for this auth plugin, you shouldn't set this value.
autoscaler.enabled bool false turn on the autoscaler or not
autoscaler.maxReplicas int 3
autoscaler.minReplicas int 1
autoscaler.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
clientId string nil okta clientId
defaultAdminUserId string "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000" which system account we used to talk to auth api The value of this field will only be used when global.defaultAdminUserId has no value
defaultImage.imagePullSecret bool false
defaultImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
defaultImage.repository string ""
domain string nil okta domain. Used to generate issuer url (i.e. https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default). You can skip this field and provide value for issuer field directly instead.
global object {"authPluginRedirectUrl":"/sign-in-redirect","externalUrl":"","image":{},"rollingUpdate":{}} only for providing appropriate default value for helm lint string "magda-auth-okta"
issuer string nil okta issuer url. When okta domain is provided, the issuer value can be omitted and will be default to "https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default"
maxClockSkew string nil Okat openid client clock skew tolerance (in seconds). Default to 120 if not provided
replicas int 1 no. of initial replicas
resources.limits.cpu string "50m"
resources.requests.cpu string "10m"
resources.requests.memory string "30Mi"
scope string nil okta openid access token scope. Default to openid profile email if not provided. More see:
timeout string nil Okat openid client HTTP request timeout (in milseconds). Default to 10000 if not provided.