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lizard-isana edited this page Apr 26, 2012 · 10 revisions

##A View from Space

###Requirements Firefox11, Chorome18 or higher (WebGL compatible browsers)

Modification Log


"A View from Space" is a web-based 3D satellite tracking system of International Space Station with mapped various earth science data and to share it via social media. The ISS is a "view point" to share with people all over the world, transcending national boundaries. Sharing one view point from space concurrently would be help us think of our planet together.

The functions are as follows: (not yet completed)

  1. Users can track the ISS from satellite-eyes-view.
  2. Users can change the base map from various satellite images(MODIS Sea Surface Temperature, Wild Fire etc…)
  3. Users can read the articles related to the current location of the ISS (Everybody sees same article at a time)
  4. Users can communicate each other via Twitter, and plot it on the earth. It will be displayed only when ISS passes through the region nearby.

Nowadays, we can use many applications for tracking ISS, for monitoring the earth and for reading the articles about global issues. However, “A View from Space” is a unique because it restricts the information stream based on the orbit of ISS intentionally. The purpose of this restriction is to encourage users to share a common viewpoint which is organized by borderless rule - the orbit of ISS – it is equally fair for the people living on the earth. We believe sharing this unique view around the world will be a platform to enhance the common understanding among the people on the earth. Of course, we hope it will become an agora to communicate with the astronauts in ISS virtually.

The first day or so we all pointed to our countries.
The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents.
By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth.
Sultan bin Salman Al-Saud / Astronaut

##Source Codes

##License Copyright (c) 2012 Isana Kashiwai & Internatonal Space Apps Challenge 2011 "A View from Space" Team
Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE) licenses.

This application includes "three.js".
License: MIT License ref.

This application includes "orb.js".
License: MIT License ref.

"avfs.js" includes "json2.js" on the last part of the file.
License: Public Domain ref.

##Contributor Internatonal Space Apps Challenge 2012
"A View from Space" Team
Isana Kashiwai
Tsugito Nagano
Rie Nakajima
Takayuki Narabu
Hiroshi Saito
Hal Seki
Tamon Yanai
(alphabetical order)

###Original Consept and Codes Isana Kashiwai

##Administrator Isana Kashiwai
email: isana.k at
facebook: isana.kashiwai
twitter: lizard_isana

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