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Orebfuscator for CB 1.13.2

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@ProgrammerDan ProgrammerDan released this 07 Jan 12:36

NOTICE: Each release can contain configuration changes. When updating, always check for more latest details.

Release notes

Sponsored by the dev team from DevotedMC, we are proud to offer a release of Orebfuscator compatible with CraftBukkit/Spigot for Minecraft version 1.9 through 1.13.2. Note: Some early builds of Spigot 1.13.2 may not be compatible.

Note: This release requires ProtocolLib 4.0.2 build 293 or later to work with 1.10/1.11, 4.3.0 or newer for 1.12, and now 4.4.0 or newer for 1.13.x.

This release has no compatibility with unlisted versions of Minecraft, it will only work with version 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12, 1.13.1/2 of CraftBukkit compatible servers. For 1.8, use Orebfuscator 3.0.6 (see releases for pre-builds).

This was compiled using Java 8.

Warning Not every possible configuration has been tested at scale, and issues may remain. Please, please, open a new issue with as many details as you can provide if you encounter a problem.

WARNING FOR PAPER SERVERS In testing, I discovered that Paper's Asynchronous chunkloader is incompatible with this latest version of Orebfuscator. Please modify paper.yml and set async-chunk:enabled:false in that file, and restart Paper. I will investigate to see if its possible to overcome this incompatibility, but at present it will 100% always cause lockups and failures.

New Features / Fixes

  • Continued support for 1.13, 1.13.1, and 1.13.2 of CraftBukkit

  • Improved understanding of Paper compatibility.

Known Issues

  • The 4.3.3 Gaze proximity hiding may introduce some additional lag. If it does, you can simply turn it off, however, please forward timings to us so we can improve it. For our use case it seemed to improve performance, and also makes it significantly harder for x-ray users to find chests and other proximity hid items.

No scheduled future release; next release will be a roundup of any bugs found and fixed.


If you run a larger server (100+ players), we'd be especially grateful if you could share your timings report with us.

Please also let us know if backwards compatibility is broken in this release. Not all prior versions have been tested.