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calcfc_chebyqud and calcfc_hexagon in Python return values close to what is returned by Fortran,
but not exactly the same and the difference is outside of machine precision.

For chebyquad the fortran version iterates 387 times within cobylb, whereas
the Python version iterates 564 times. The results are as follows

x(1) = 0.06687201625695266
x(2) = 0.28872054433564054
x(3) = 0.36668681233017669
x(4) = 0.63330363432938008
x(5) = 0.71126615229302259
x(6) = 0.93312277720964698
f = 3.9135366518694255e-10

x[0] = 0.06688196439284098
x[1] = 0.2887610493288529
x[2] = 0.36668226015206873
x[3] = 0.6333320849097046
x[4] = 0.7112583722245663
x[5] = 0.9331254078707577
f = 3.8259601181730434e-10

The first position in x differs by 9.948135888e-6, so it's further away than machine precision, but
it's possible that the difference is the result of accumulation of machine precision errors.
  • Loading branch information
nbelakovski committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent b83c8ca commit 8e536e1
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,364 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions python/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
To develop, `cd` into the `src` directory and run

```pip install --editable .```

This will install prima locally in an editable fashion. From there you can run the examples/cobyla/ (from any directory) and go from there.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions python/pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "prima"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [

where = ["src"] # ["."] by default
exclude = ["prima.examples*"] # empty by default
Empty file added python/src/prima/
Empty file.
Empty file.
687 changes: 687 additions & 0 deletions python/src/prima/cobyla/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions python/src/prima/cobyla/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import numpy as np

def setdrop_geo(delta, factor_alpha, factor_beta, sim, simi):
This function finds (the index) of a current interpolation point to be replaced with a
geometry-improving point. See (15)-(16) of the COBYLA paper.
N.B.: COBYLA never sets jdrop to NUM_VARS

num_vars = sim.shape[0]

# Calculate the values of sigma and eta
# VSIG[j] for j = 0...NUM_VARS-1 is the Euclidean distance from vertex J to the opposite face of the simplex.
vsig = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(simi**2, axis=1))
veta = np.sqrt(np.sum(sim[:, :num_vars]**2, axis=0))

# Decide which vertex to drop from the simplex. It will be replaced with a new point to improve the
# acceptability of the simplex. See equations (15) and (16) of the COBYLA paper.
if any(veta > factor_beta * delta):
jdrop = np.where(veta == max(veta[~np.isnan(veta)]))[0][0]
elif any(vsig < factor_alpha * delta):
jdrop = np.where(vsig == min(vsig[~np.isnan(vsig)]))[0][0]
# We arrive here if vsig and veta are all nan, which can happen due to nan in sim and simi
# which should not happen unless there is a bug
jdrop = None

# Zaikun 230202: What if we consider veta and vsig together? The following attempts do not work well.
# jdrop = max(np.sum(sim[:, :num_vars]**2, axis=0)*np.sum(simi**2, axis=1)) # Condition number
# jdrop = max(np.sum(sim[:, :num_vars]**2, axis=0)**2 * np.sum(simi**2, axis=1)) # Condition number times distance
return jdrop

def geostep(jdrop, cpen, conmat, cval, delta, fval, factor_gamma, simi):
This function calculates a geometry step so that the geometry of the interpolation set is improved
when SIM[: JDROP_GEO] is replaced with SIM[:NUM_VARS] + D. See (15)--(17) of the COBYLA paper.
num_constraints = conmat.shape[0]
num_vars = simi.shape[0]

# SIMI[JDROP, :] is a vector perpendicular to the face of the simplex to the opposite of vertex
# JDROP. Thus VSIGJ * SIMI[JDROP, :] is the unit vector in this direction
vsigj = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(simi[jdrop, :]**2))

# Set D to the vector in the above-mentioned direction and with length FACTOR_GAMMA * DELTA. Since
# FACTOR_ALPHA < FACTOR_GAMMA < FACTOR_BETA, D improves the geometry of the simplex as per (14) of
# the COBYLA paper. This also explains why this subroutine does not replace DELTA with
# DELBAR = max(min(0.1 * np.sqrt(max(DISTSQ)), 0.5 * DELTA), RHO) as in NEWUOA.
d = factor_gamma * delta * (vsigj * simi[jdrop, :])

# Calculate the coefficients of the linear approximations to the objective and constraint functions,
# placing minus the objective function gradient after the constraint gradients in the array A
A = np.zeros((num_vars, num_constraints + 1))
A[:, :num_constraints] = ((conmat[:, :num_vars] - np.tile(conmat[:, num_vars], (num_vars, 1)).T)@simi).T
A[:, num_constraints] = (fval[num_vars] - fval[:num_vars])@simi
cvmaxp = max(0, max(-d@A[:, :num_constraints] - conmat[:, num_vars]))
cvmaxn = max(0, max(d@A[:, :num_constraints] - conmat[:, num_vars]))
if 2 *, A[:, num_constraints]) < cpen * (cvmaxp - cvmaxn):
d *= -1
return d

def setdrop_tr(ximproved, d, delta, rho, sim, simi):
This function finds (the index) of a current interpolation point to be replaced with the
trust-region trial point. See (19)-(22) of the COBYLA paper.
1. If XIMPROVED == True, then JDROP >= 0 so that D is included into XPT. Otherwise, it is a bug.
2. COBYLA never sets JDROP = NUM_VARS
TODO: Check whether it improves the performance if JDROP = NUM_VARS is allowed when XIMPROVED is True.
Note that UPDATEXFC should be revised accordingly.

num_vars = sim.shape[0]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# The following code is Powell's scheme for defining JDROP.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ! JDROP = 0 by default. It cannot be removed, as JDROP may not be set below in some cases (e.g.,
# jdrop = 0
# ! SIMID(J) is the value of the J-th Lagrange function at D. It is the counterpart of VLAG in UOBYQA
# ! and DEN in NEWUOA/BOBYQA/LINCOA, but it excludes the value of the (N+1)-th Lagrange function.
# simid = matprod(simi, d)
# if (any(abs(simid) > 1) .or. (ximproved .and. any(.not. is_nan(simid)))) then
# jdrop = int(maxloc(abs(simid), mask=(.not. is_nan(simid)), dim=1), kind(jdrop))
# !!MATLAB: [~, jdrop] = max(simid, [], 'omitnan');
# end if
# ! VETA(J) is the distance from the J-th vertex of the simplex to the best vertex, taking the trial
# ! point SIM(:, N+1) + D into account.
# if (ximproved) then
# veta = sqrt(sum((sim(:, 1:n) - spread(d, dim=2, ncopies=n))**2, dim=1))
# !!MATLAB: veta = sqrt(sum((sim(:, 1:n) - d).^2)); % d should be a column! Implicit expansion
# else
# veta = sqrt(sum(sim(:, 1:n)**2, dim=1))
# end if
# ! VSIG(J) (J=1, .., N) is the Euclidean distance from vertex J to the opposite face of the simplex.
# vsig = ONE / sqrt(sum(simi**2, dim=2))
# sigbar = abs(simid) * vsig
# ! The following JDROP will overwrite the previous one if its premise holds.
# mask = (veta > factor_delta * delta .and. (sigbar >= factor_alpha * delta .or. sigbar >= vsig))
# if (any(mask)) then
# jdrop = int(maxloc(veta, mask=mask, dim=1), kind(jdrop))
# !!MATLAB: etamax = max(veta(mask)); jdrop = find(mask & ~(veta < etamax), 1, 'first');
# end if
# ! Powell's code does not include the following instructions. With Powell's code, if SIMID consists
# ! of only NaN, then JDROP can be 0 even when XIMPROVED == TRUE (i.e., D reduces the merit function).
# ! With the following code, JDROP cannot be 0 when XIMPROVED == TRUE, unless VETA is all NaN, which
# ! should not happen if X0 does not contain NaN, the trust-region/geometry steps never contain NaN,
# ! and we exit once encountering an iterate containing Inf (due to overflow).
# if (ximproved .and. jdrop <= 0) then ! Write JDROP <= 0 instead of JDROP == 0 for robustness.
# jdrop = int(maxloc(veta, mask=(.not. is_nan(veta)), dim=1), kind(jdrop))
# !!MATLAB: [~, jdrop] = max(veta, [], 'omitnan');
# end if
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Powell's scheme ends here.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# The following definition of JDROP is inspired by SETDROP_TR in UOBYQA/NEWUOA/BOBYQA/LINCOA.
# It is simpler and works better than Powell's scheme. Note that we allow JDROP to be NUM_VARS if
# XIMPROVED is True, whereas Powell's code does not.
# See also (4.1) of Scheinberg-Toint-2010: Self-Correcting Geometry in Model-Based Algorithms for
# Derivative-Free Unconstrained Optimization, which refers to the strategy here as the "combined
# distance/poisedness criteria".

# DISTSQ[j] is the square of the distance from the jth vertex of the simplex to get "best" point so

Check failure

Code scanning / check-spelling

Unrecognized Spelling Error

jth is not a recognized word. (unrecognized-spelling)
# far, taking the trial point SIM[:, NUM_VARS] + D into account.
distsq = np.zeros(sim.shape[1])
if ximproved:
distsq[:num_vars] = np.sum((sim[:, :num_vars] - np.tile(d, (num_vars, 1)).T)**2, axis=0)
distsq[num_vars] = sum(d**2)
distsq[:num_vars] = np.sum(sim[:, :num_vars]**2, axis=0)
distsq[num_vars] = 0

weight = np.maximum(np.ones(len(distsq)), distsq / max(rho, delta/10)**2) # Similar to Powell's NEWUOA code.

# Other possible definitions of weight. They work almost the same as the one above.
# weight = distsq # Similar to Powell's LINCOA code, but WRONG. See comments in LINCOA/geometry.f90.
# weight = max(1, max(25 * distsq / delta**2)) # Similar to Powell's BOBYQA code, works well.
# weight = max(1, max(10 * distsq / delta**2))
# weight = max(1, max(1e2 * distsq / delta**2))
# weight = max(1, max(distsq / max(rho, delta/10)**2))
# weight = max(1, max(distsq / rho**2)) ! Similar to Powell's UOBYQA

# If 0 <= j < NUM_VARS, SIMID[j] is the value of the jth Lagrange function at D; the value of the

Check failure

Code scanning / check-spelling

Unrecognized Spelling Error

jth is not a recognized word. (unrecognized-spelling)
# (NUM_VARS+1)th Lagrange function is 1 - sum(SIMID). [SIMID, 1 - sum(SIMID)] is the counterpart of
simid = simi@d
score = weight * abs(np.array([*simid, 1 - sum(simid)]))

# If XIMPORVED = False (D does not render a better X), set SCORE[NUM_VARS] = -1 to avoid JDROP = NUM_VARS.

Check failure

Code scanning / check-spelling

Unrecognized Spelling Error

XIMPORVED is not a recognized word. (unrecognized-spelling)
if not ximproved:
score[num_vars] = -1

# The following if statement works a bit better than `if any(score > 1) or (any(score > 0) and ximproved)`
# from Powell's UOBYQA and NEWUOA code.
if any(score > 0): # Powell's BOBYQA and LINCOA code.
jdrop = np.where(score == max(score[~np.isnan(score)]))[0][0]
elif ximproved:
jdrop = np.argmax(distsq)
jdrop = None # We arrive here when XIMPROVED = False and no entry of score is positive.

return jdrop

def assess_geo(delta, factor_alpha, factor_beta, sim, simi):
This function checks if an interpolation set has acceptable geometry as (14) of the COBYLA paper

num_vars = sim.shape[0]

# Calculate the values of sigma and eta
# veta[j] (0 <= j < num_vars) is the distance between the vertices j and 0 (the best vertex)
# of the simplex.
# vsig[j] (0 <= j < num_vars) is the distance from vertex j to its opposite face of the simplex.
# Thus vsig <= veta.
# N.B.: What about the distance from vertex N+1 to its opposite face? Consider the simplex
# {V_{N+1}, V_{N+1} + L*e_1,... v_{N+1} + L*e_N}, where V_{N+1} is vertex N+1,
# namely the current "best" point, [e_1, ..., e_n] is an orthogonal matrix, and L is a
# constant in the order of delta. This simplex is optimal in the sense that the interpolation
# system has the minimal condition number, i.e. 1. For this simplex, the distance from
# V_{N+1} to its opposite face is L/sqrt(n).
vsig = 1/np.sqrt(np.sum(simi**2, axis=1)) # TODO: Check axis
veta = np.sqrt(np.sum(sim[:, :num_vars]**2, axis=0))
adequate_geo = all(vsig >= factor_alpha * delta) and all(veta <= factor_beta * delta)
return adequate_geo

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