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Mozart++ Template Library made with ❤️

English 中文

What is Mozart++

Mozart++ is a cross-platform template library written in Modern C++ designed to make up for essential but missing components in STL.

Mozart++ was born in our daily development. We usually build all kinds of "wheels" in a project, but the process is just so trivial, as a result, we decided to put these "wheels" out as a separate template library.

Currently our project is written in C++14 because our main project which Mozart++ originally aimed to support was written in C++14.

Supported Compilers

Compiler Version Tested Platform Status
gcc 8.1.0-x86_64 Ubuntu 18.04
gcc 7.4.0-x86_64 WSL Ubuntu 18.04
Apple Clang 11.0.0 macOS Catalina
mingw-gcc 8.1.0 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0) Windows 10 Pro 1903
msvc 19.24.28316 Windows 10 Pro 1903

Code Convension

Mozart++ has two namespaces, mpp and mpp_impl. Usually developers only need to use mpp. We promise that all implementations will be hidden in mpp_impl.

What does Mozart++ have now?

Currently we have these tools listed below (ordered alphabetically):

  • A
    • mpp::any: A super effective std::any.
    • mpp::allocator_type: Memory allocator.
  • C
    • mpp::codecvt: Wide string and string converter supports ascii, utf-8 and GBK.
  • E
    • mpp::event_emitter: A NodeJS-like, non-invasive EventEmitter (two implementations):
      • mpp::event_emitter_fast (for release)
      • mpp::event_emitter_attentive (for debug, with more debug information)
  • F
    • mpp::function: An alias for std::function.
    • mpp::function_parser: A function type trait for extracting all information from a callable type.
    • mpp::function_type: An alias for parsed function type (aka mpp::function).
    • mpp::fdistream: Wrap a C file descriptor and Windows File Handle into C++ std::istream.
    • mpp::fdostream: Wrap a C file descriptor and Windows File Handle into C++ std::ostream.
    • mpp::format: Rust-like string formatter.
  • I
    • mpp::iterator_range: A range adapter for a pair of iterators, wrapping two iterators into range-compatible interface.
  • O
    • mpp::optional: Something like std::optional
  • P
    • mpp::process: Cross-platform process interacting library.
  • R
    • mpp::runtime_error: Customized runtime exception.
  • S
    • mpp::stream: Stream API support.
    • mpp::string_ref: String wrapper with plenty of useful string manipulation methods.
  • T
    • mpp::timer: Time operation wrapper.
    • mpp::typelist: Compile-time list holding types as its elements.
    • mpp::throw_ex(): Exception thrower which triggers global event emitter.

How to integrate Mozart++ into your project?

For cmake-based project

First of all, open your terminal (or powershell, or cmd)

$ cd /path/to/your/project
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule add third-party/mozart

Then, add the following lines to your root CMakeLists.txt:


NOTICE: Do not forget to link mozart++ to your target. Please make sure your CMakeLists.txt contains the following line:

target_link_libraries(<your-target> mozart++)

For other build tools

We are currently working on it. If you have any idea, feel free to create issues or pull requests.

How to build Mozart++ separately?

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd mozart
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. && make
$ make test


  • Event Emitter

    mpp::event_emitter e;
    // register events
    e.on("player-login", [](mpp::string_ref username) {
    e.on("player-move", [](point from, point to) {
        checkMovement(from, to);
    // some other places
    e.emit("player-login", username);
    e.emit("player-move", {1, 2}, {3, 4});
  • Format

    using mpp::format;
    // format to string
    auto str = mpp::format("Hello {}, welcome to C++\n", name);
    // format to stream
    mpp::format(std::cout, "Position {}\n", std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3});
  • Stream

    stream<int>::iterate(1, [](int x) { return x * 2; })
            .map([](int x) { return x - 1; })
            .filter([](int x) { return x > 1000; })
            .drop_while([](int x) { return x <= 100000; })
            .take_while([](int x) { return x <= 5000000; })
            .for_each([](int x) { printf("%d\n", x); });
  • Optional

    int sum(const mpp::optional<std::vector<int>> &nums) {
        return nums.apply_or<int>(0, [](auto &&v) -> int {
            int s = 0;
            for (auto &&e : v) {
                s += e;
            return s;
  • Process

    using mpp::process;
    process p = process::exec("/bin/bash"); << "ls /" << std::endl; << "exit" << std::endl;
    std::string s;
    while (std::getline(p.out(), s)) {
        printf("%s\n", s.c_str());


Contributions and ideas are welcomed through issues and PRs.



We would like to thank JetBrains for sharing free open-source licences of amazing tools such as CLion.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Covariant Institute