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eslint config for typescript projects 👋

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT Twitter: jl_suncin

A set of recommended eslint rules for typescript projects


npm install --dev @suncin/eslint-config-typescript

Then extends your eslint file (edit .eslintrc.json)

  "extends": ["@suncin/typescript"]

Other configs

  "extends": [

Note: @suncin/typescript/all include @suncin/typescript/security and @suncin/typescript/jest configs.

Example configuration

  "extends": ["@suncin/typescript/all"],
  "plugins": ["filenames"],
  "env": {
    "node": true
  "rules": {
    "filenames/no-index": "error",
    "filenames/match-exported": ["error", "kebab"]

Run tests

npm test


👤 Jaime Leonardo Suncin Cruz

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📝 License

Copyright © 2020 Jaime Leonardo Suncin Cruz.
This project is MIT licensed.

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