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Marcus Ottosson edited this page Jan 10, 2015 · 8 revisions

Just been added to the organisation? Here's some things you should know.

About this organisation

Even though some of us have experience with C (myself not included) it is safe to assume that neither of us know C or C++ very well, so do feel very welcome to ask the obvious questions (like "what is a compiler?") or to provide links to resources you recently found online.

How Can I Join?

Being part of the chat is the virtual equivalent of keeping your ear on the rail. Beyond that, we're still working things out, so do feel free to ask a question; eventually we'll get into a habit of learning that fits us all the best.

Workflow of the group

The current Repository

For each project there will be a continuously updated repository called current. It will contain the currently running project and is renamed and archived upon finishing. Once completed, a new current is created and the process is repeated, with more complex projects each time.

You can still contribute to and modify archived projects, however most of the discussion is expected to take place in the currently running project.


As a member of the team, you've been given write-access to all repositories. This means that you are free to clone a repository and contribute directly, without first performing a pull-request. This is so that code can flow freely and to give members a stronger sense of responsibility (things will get screwed up eventually, oh yes it will, it's all good practice)

If clone and pull-request are terms new to you, I recommend having a read through this:


If you have any questions, the chat room is where they belong. We all get notifications about updates to the chat and someone will try and answer you asap.

What's next?

Head on home and have a look through some of the goals of this group, then move on to the chat to stay on top of current events!

Learn C/C++ for Film and Games.

Table of contents

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