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Small and simple logic programming language inspired by Prolog.

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Monolog is a simple logic programming language. Its syntax is a subset of the Prolog.

It is available within this REPL.

To run: $ ruby main.rb or ./monolog

How to (work with the REPL):

To store a fact or a rule in the knowledge base

Make sure you are in the storing mode by inputting :s or :store and hitting enter. Now you can insert predicates and facts - one by one - into the knowledge base.

To show the whole knowledge base

In any mode, type :show and the whole knowledge base will be printed one fact/rule per line.

To clear the whole knowledge base

In any mode, type :clear and the whole knodledge base will be cleared.

To check a validity of the term

First switch to the checking mode by typing :c or :check and hitting enter. Now you can submit a term in the form of lone "predicate query" like foo(x). or a conjuction/disjunction of terms like foo(x), bar(y). respectively foo(x); bar(y)..

To control the flow of the evaluation

When querying terms, which can backtrack and may produce more than just one answer use :n or :next to search for the next answer and :d or :done for concluding the search.


You can load the following fragment of the knowledge base into the REPL.

plus(z, N, N).
plus(s(N), M, s(R)) :- plus(N, M, R).
times(z, _, z).
times(s(N), M, A) :- times(N, M, R), plus(R, M, A).
fact(z, s(z)).
fact(s(N), R) :- fact(N, PR), times(s(N), PR, R).

Now switch to the checking mode and try following queries.

Computing the factorial of 4 using Peano numbers:

fact(s(s(s(s(z)))), R). should produce

  R = s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(z))))))))))))))))))))))))

Of course 24 of s's are a bit hard to count, so maybe something bit smaller:

fact(s(s(z)), R). should produce

  R = s(s(z))

Computing factorials is interesting as well as important, but it doesn't really manifest the power and beauty of the logic programming. We can try a different example. We may ask which number is the same as it's factorial.

fact(A, A).

And Monolog will promptly answer with A = s(z) and if we ask him politely to try and find another answer, it will produce A = s(s(z)). That should be enough for anyone and we should instruct Monolog to conclude this query. There is no other number which would satisfy our condition anyway.

This was, without a doubt, quite enlightening but we can go even further, we can ask Monolog to find all the pairs of numbers such that they are in the fact relation as we defined it above.

We input fact(A, B). and it should feed us the following.

  A = z
  B = s(z)

We are now free to ask for another pair from the fact relation and we will be greeted with

  A = s(z)
  B = s(z)

We can go on infinitely or until the search for a single answer takes longer then couple of moments, which will be roughly around the factorial of the number 5 or 6 depending on your hardware. Our infinity is quite small, but it's all we got.

We can also try something bit simpler like plus(A, B, B).

This should produce

  A = z

Meaning that this will be satisfied when the first number will be zero and the second number doesn't matter - it can be whatever. But it must be a number still.

But if we ask the Monolog for another answer to that query something strange will happen - it will dive into the unbounded recursion and quickly consume the whole stack and cause stack overflow exception. This behaviour, while not unexpected, is different from what SWIPL, for example, does. The SWIPL doesn't do strict occurs checking by default, but Monolog does exactly that, so the result of that one quiery will differ between these two.

Because of the benevolent unification, the SWIPL produces some interesting results. So the Monolog does have an option to disable strict occurs checking. You simply input :o or :occurs and it togles the occurs setting.

What that means is you can load a fact like this one.

one(X, s(X)).

And test it. First with strict occurs check enabled.

one(A, A).

This should produce False and nothing else.

But when we disable the strict occurs checking we will get this extra answer.

  A = s(A)

This is obviously incorrect and breaks all kinds of rules, but SWIPL defaults to that behaviour so Monolog offers it too. So should you enjoy your answers incorrect and recursive, Monolog's got you covered.

Short syntactic bootcamp should you need it

We have all kinds of literals:

  • Strings like "hello world"
  • Numbers like 23
  • Atoms like peanut
  • List literals like [] or [1 | []]

Atoms are words which always start with a lower case letter.

We also have variables like A or B. They start with an upper case letter.

When we don't care about the specific value we can use a wildcard symbol, written _. Wildcard should unify with anything.

We have facts:


This makes the one a fact. It also means that one only accepts s(z) as an argument.

For a fact to unify with a term they must have a same name, same number of arguments and values of arguments must unify with corresponding patterns in the definition of the fact.

For anything more complicated we can use rules:

even(s(N)) :- odd(N).

Here even is a rule. It has a head which is the name and list of arguments and a body which is made of odd(N) and ended with the dot symbol.

For the rule to unify with a term they must have the same name, same number of arguments, arguments must unify with patterns in corresponding positions and a body must unify within the same context.

To express that something should be true AND some other thing should be true also, we need to use the conjunction. Conjunction is written as , in the Monolog same as in the Prolog. So we can do something like:

longAndBlue(A) :- long(A), blue(A).

You can also express that something OR the other thing should be true. For that you can use explicit disjunction. Disjunction is written as ; in the Monolog again same as in the Prolog. So we can write something like:

longOrBlue(A) :- long(A) ; blue(A).

Assuming we defined long/1 and blue/1.

Name of the predicate followed by the slash and a number is a convention in the Prolog to refer to that definition of the predicate of the given name, which accepts that many arguments.

So if we insert this fragment of the knowledge base:


We may use AND like this:

  ?- foo(V), bar(W).

    V = a
    W = x

  @- :n

    V = a
    W = y

  @- :n

    V = b
    W = x

  @- :n

    V = b
    W = y

  @- :n


And we may also use OR like this:

  ?- foo(V) ; bar(W).

    V = a

  @- :n

    V = b

  @- :n

    W = x

  @- :n

    W = y

  @- :n


Of course, we may also express disjunctive relationship naturally just by defining two facts/rules in the knowledge base, but sometimes it's useful to have the expressive power to do it explicitly.

Monolog does not understand parentheses as of now. Both , and ; have the same precedence.

You can also write a rather redundant rule like this one:

  provable(A) :- A.

For provable/1 to be proven, it's argument, needs not to be instantiated. But if you try to prove fresh variable - it will succeed once not narrowing anything.

It only succeeds once because otherwise it would act as a "black hole" for the backtracking - once you would get to that point you wouldn't be able to leave it. Idea behind that is, that fresh variable could be anything, so Monolog could unify that variable with anything and everything and that would only complicate things.

  one(A) :- A.

Evaluating one(1) will then yield True as well as evaluating one(s(z)). But evaluating one(B) will yield just one possible result - B = 1.

Sometimes you may also want assert that something is not provable. For that you can use a \+. You can write this operator anywhere inside the rule's body (or in the query), but you can't use it inside the rule's or fact's head. Simply put - \+ is not valid inside a pattern.

You can use it like:

  test(V) :- \+ V.

Then you can ask like:



Small and simple logic programming language inspired by Prolog.







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