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7. Aesthetic features (experimental)

laleksic edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 1 revision

With the goal of generating a more pleasing graph, for printing purposes etc. the URMulator includes a way to group instructions into meaningful blocks on the graph, and to make certain comments visible on the graph, like so:

The following program,

1: z(0)
2: z(0)
3: z(0)

4: j(1,2,8)

    5: s(0)
    6: s(0)
    7: s(0)

    8: t(1,2)
    9: t(1,2)
   10: t(1,2)

11: z(0)

yields the following graph.


Comments enclosed with hash tags (#) will be displayed in a special note node on the graph itself. Such comments may not exceed 256 characters in length.

Instructions enclosed with curling braces ({ and }) will be visually separated on the graph in their own block. A string must follow the opening brace to signify the block's name and it may not contain spaces and may not exceed 256 characters in length.

Neither of these influences the working of the program, and they are merely aesthetic. Both are barely implemented, and it is not recommended that you use them, though the next version hopes to remedy any problems.

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