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Collection of random perl scripts. Use at your own discretion/risk and please let me know if there are any bugs.

Annotate variant file with ExAC adjusted allele frequencies and separate into passed or failed variants

  • Uses chr/start/ref/var to match the ExAC variants in the VCF file
  • Several manipulations to the ExAC variants must occur to allow for match
    • Separates multiple alternate alleles represented on a single line
    • Trims prefixes/suffixes from ref/alt representations for indels and adjusts start site as necessary (Insertion - ExAC format: A/AAC, MGI format: -/AC)
    • Uses the adjusted allele count divided by the total adjusted allele count (AC_Adj/AN_Adj) to calculate the adjusted allele count
    • AF is basic allele frequency based on AC/AN, adjusted figures only count alleles with DP >= 10 & GQ >= 20


Modified MGI annotation format file with first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var (User input), additional columns 
    are ignored but retained
Only human chromosomes supported (X|Y|1-22|MT|GL*)
Accepts user-defined exac cutoff or uses default 0.001
ExAC release 2 VCF file


2 files containing all original variants and annotation/extra columns + ExAC adjusted allele frequency column split 
    into passed and failed variants

Filter variants using panel of normal BAM files

  • Uses chr/start/stop/ref/var to match variant to the panel of normals file
  • Counts the number of normals with readcount/VAF >= set cutoffs and prints to the appropriate file
  • SNV/indel cutoffs are distinct, defaults set for each


Variant file with first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var, additional columns retained but ignored 
Panel of normals add-readcount output file with first 5 columns as above followed by 3 columns (ref/alt/VAF) for 
    each normal to be used in the filter


Original input variants split into passed and failed + final column with normal recurrence count or NA if absent
    from readcount file

User beware - Hard coded scripts

Split mouse variants by their presence in the sanger mouse genomes project

Input: Hard coded input

Modified MGI annotation format file with the first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var, specifically variants from 
    the Stat1 project
Sanger MGP Release version 2 (mm9) SNPs and indel files (REL-1211)

Output Hard coded, placed in the current working directory

mgp_pass        All variants not in the MGP files or MGP variants with a quality score below a minimum (hard-coded 
                at 1) cutoff + 1 col of MGP quality score
mgp_fail        All variants that fail + MGP quality and MGP filter columns added on the end

Apply a panel of lymphoma normals filter to follicular lymphoma variants

  • Uses chr/start/stop/ref/var to match variant to the panel of normals file
  • Counts the number of normals with readcount/VAF >= set cutoffs and prints to the appropriate file
  • SNV/indel cutoffs are distinct, also hard coded
    • minimimum VAF 2.5%/2.5%
    • minimum readcount 3/2
    • minimum recurrence 5/7

Input: Hard coded input

Modified MGI annotation format variant file with first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var, specifically variants 
    from the follicular lymphoma project
Panel of normals add-readcount output file with first 5 columns as above followed by 3 columns (ref/alt/VAF) for 
    each normal to be used in the filter, specifically variants from the follicular lymphoma project

Output: Hard coded, placed in the current working directory

All_Variants.lym_pon.tsv            Variants that pass the VAF/Readcount/Recurrence cutoffs with new last column
All_Variants.lym_pon_excluded.tsv   Variants that fail the VAF/Readcount/Recurrence cutoffs with new last column 
                                        providing the number of normals above the readcount/VAF cutoff

Annotate my input list of lymphoma variants with the ExAC allele frequency

  • Uses chr/start/ref/var to match the ExAC variants in the VCF file
  • Several manipulations must occur to allow for match
    • Separates multiple alternate alleles represented on a single line
    • Trims prefixes/suffixes from ref/alt representations for indels and adjusts start site as necessary (Insertion - ExAC format: A/AAC, MGI format: -/AC)
    • Uses the adjusted allele count divided by the total adjusted allele count (AC_Adj/AN_Adj) to calculate the adjusted allele count

Input: Hard coded input

Modified MGI annotation format file with first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var, specifically variants from 
    the follicular lymphoma project
ExAC release 2 VCF file, GRCh37

Output: Hard coded, placed in the current working directory

exac_matched_variants_output.tsv                Original input file + 1 column of ExAC adjusted allele 
                                                frequencies (AC_adj/AN_adj)

exac_matched_variants_output_fullannot.tsv      Original input file + 12 columns of ExAC data for additional 
                                                review (chr,start,reference allele, alt allele, allele frequency, 
                                                variant allele count (AC), adjusted allele count (AC_Adj), total 
                                                allele count (AN), adjusted total allele count (AN_Adj), quality 
                                                score, filter, info field

Apply an ExAC allele frequency filter to a variant file

  • Uses chr/start/stop/ref/var to match variants
  • Exports variant file + either allele frequency or NA for passed variants, allele frequency for failed variants
  • Hard coded cutoff is <=0.001 pass

Input: Hard coded input

Modified MGI annotation format file with first 5 columns = chr/start/stop/ref/var, currently exac annotated 
    follicular lymphoma file
Requires ExAC_adj_AF column to filter by
Output file from (exac_matched_variants_output.tsv)

Output: Hard coded, placed in the current working directory

All_Variants.lym_pon.exac.tsv           Variants that pass the ExAC allele frequency cutoff 
All_Variants.lym_pon.exac_excluded.tsv  Variants that fail the ExAC allele frequency cutoff


Collection of random perl scripts






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