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Releases: kjgriffin/LivestreamServiceSuite

Livestream Service Suite 1.7

02 Nov 02:17
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.7.1-alpha-1

Livestream Service Suite 1.6.3

31 May 18:34
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Release Notes 1.6.3

Integrated Presenter


  • auto transition guard mode
  • tied-next-slide transition
  • reset presentation to beginning
  • default multiviewer config -noticible hide vu meters
  • support for 'nodrive' slides
  • add extra commands to PIP location window

auto transition guard mode

This features is enabled by default. It attempts to prevent the scenario where the switcher freezes halfway between transitions when doing a dissolve. The feature will attempt to only allow auto transitions when one is not already in progress (since BMD's ATEM switcher interpret a second auto transition request as a stop current transition at frame if one is already in progress).

This should fix the issue where manually pressing 'auto' right before/after next slide while in drive mode would get the switcher into the frozen transition state. This will also prevent keyboards on a hair-trigger by effectively debouncing the requests.

This also means that there is no way to get out of a frozen state. You will have to disable the auto transition guard mode, then manually start/stop the transition and then re-enable the feature.

Feature is under: Menu>Automation>Enable Drive Mode Auto Transition Guard

tied-next-slide transitions

This feature solves the problem of wanting an auto transition to start at the same time as the next slide (in drive mode). Now you can! NOTE: this attempts to be intelligent and if the next slide does not use a camera source (ie. Full, Video, Action) then this will simply be the same as next slide.
The intent is to use this with Liturgy type slides.

The un-documented shortcut for this (only accessible with keyboard) is:
Left-CTRL + right Arrow

extra PIP location commands

Sometimes it would be nice to command the switcher from within the PIP location window.
For your convenience they've been mapped to the same keys as in the main control panel.

Available commands:

  • Preset Source (keyboard commands: Number 1-8)
  • PIP FIll Source (keyboard commands: Left-CTRL+Number 1-8)
  • PIP ON/OFF (keyboard command: Numpad 4)
  • Auto Transition (keyboard command: Enter)

'nodrive' slides

These slides will never run automation. Even in drive mode, if the next slide is nodrive, then the next slide command will not perform any automation, and instead act as if you requested the next slide in undriven mode.

Slide Creater


  • show slide number and total slides in status bar
  • loop video previews of project assets
  • add rendered slide previews for action and resource slides
  • add view mode to toggle between slide and key previews
  • add project autosave and recovery
  • add prefabs for common actions
  • add overlay option for text hymn
  • add filterimage slides and corresponding image filters

The current documentation for slides is nearly up-to date. The only missing elements are:


  • optional parameter after asset name. Mark 'True' for overlay

e.g. #texthymn("Title", "name", "tune", "number", "copyright")(true) {
// verses here

// filterchain here

The filterchains are currently undocumented...
For now you'll have to read the source code to use them, though they do generate more than average compiler messages

TODO: update documentation for this. Probably will happen once there's a more complete selection of filters.
Though the current complement is at least as powerfull as the existing image commands.

ie the autofitimage (for hymns) can be done with the appropriate filterchains:

  • centerfillasset
  • crop top
  • crop bottom
  • crop left
  • crop right
  • resize
  • solidcolorborder

You can even perform a more involved color correction via the new: editcolor filter.
The editcolor filter will provide full control for the old [(cc-bw-###)] color correction command (NOTE: this will probably be deprecated at some point, but for now still works)

NOTE: The GDI+ API that all the image processing uses will make any of the crop and editcolor filters be slow. They perform Pixel based operations, and the API is inefficient for this task, thus many individual memory operations are used. Expect a noticeable (1~5 sec) rendering time for a slide that uses these.

Livestream Service Suite 1.6.1

06 Feb 05:45
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Release Notes

Integrated Presenter

Major Features

  • Add PIP Location Controls
  • Add Keyboard Shortcut Help Visualizer

Minor Features


  • Option to set keyframes A/B using the PIP Location Controls (enable/disable with key k)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Menu>View PIP controls opening Advanced Presentation Controls
  • Update default config PIP Keyframes A and B bottom location to align with the bottom of the screen

Slide Creater

Minor Features

Livestream Service Suite 1.6

10 Jan 06:45
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1.6 : Full Linear Keying Support & Slide Automation

The new 1.6 update brings the long awaited feature to support full linear keying on every slide!
Additionally we've added action slides to a presentation that can perform switcher operations.

Slide Creater

  • Update renderers to generate alpha key slides for all slide types
  • Add option to set alpha transparency level for liturgy type slides
  • Add new script command for automation action slides (documentation to come)

Integrated Presenter

  • Add new display window for alpha keys
  • Add support for loading presentations with alpha keys associated for slides
  • Add support for perform automation actions
  • Add ability to control switcher aux output
  • Add config for default aux output
  • Add config for multiviewer program/preview names
  • Add keyboard shortcut to show/hide aux row
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for selecting aux source

Livestream Service Suite 1.5

24 Dec 03:54
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Boxing Day Sale!

Integrated Presenter:

  • add control of upstream keyer for chroma keying
  • add logic in presentation to handle chroma key videos and stills
  • add option for slide pool sources to be taken insert/replace mode but remain undriven
  • add option for slide pool sources to be chroma key videos or chroma key stills
  • add new config options for preroll delay for videos and chroma key videos. when in drive mode, switcher will preroll (start playout) the video off air, and perform the appropriate on-air transition after the preroll delay. This should fix the issue with videos not queueing. Case where 2 fullscreen sources are played back to back will still suffer the queueing issue.

Slide Creator

  • add option to mark images as chroma key stills
  • add option to mark videos as chroma key videos
  • add try/catch on character measurement (fixes crash while rendering???)

Livestream Service Suite 1.4.2

19 Dec 03:25
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Version 1.4.2 Christmas Bonus!!

Just in time for the Christmas season we bring you the latest QOL improvements giving you the features you always thought should be there.

Integrated Presenter

  • Enabled Color Bar Video Source on switcher
  • Separate fade to black from auto transition speed
  • Add audio levels to switcher config
  • More Keyboard Shortcuts (now for slide pool and advanced views)
  • Slide Pools now preview videos on loop (silent)
  • Slide Pools now show video duration
  • Presentation Previews (prev, next, after) now preview videos on loop (silent)
  • Presentation Previews (prev, next, after) now show video duration
  • Presentation Preview (current) has force sync with display window videos (max 100ms jitter)

Slide Creator

  • Add option to invert black/white for hymns
  • Add help link


  • Builds for both Integrated Presenter and Slide Creator [Dec 18, 2020]

Known Issues

Slide Creator

  • project loading (fails to load assets)
  • unknown crash sometimes (during render)

Integrated Presenter

  • display window media cuing sometimes fails on videos
  • display window video stutter on load and beginning of playout if multiple concurrent videos loaded in presentation
  • [unfixed] issue with multiple hyperdeck connection threads still running

Livestream Service Suit 1.4

05 Dec 20:52
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Version 1.4 - Christmas Special

Bringing all the latest and greatest features to Integrated Presenter! This update should drop in time for Christmas, giving you all the extra presentation and media features you wished were there already!

Integrated Presenter:

New Aux Media Player

Integrated Presenter now ships with a spare media player (will play mp4, but has no video output). This is external to the presentation and can play audio asynchronously to any media used in the main presentation. This should enable playing backing tracks for live performance or playing background music for the main slideshow.

Fixed Slide Pool

The 4 slide pool sources now work like you always thought they did. With 2 modes, insert or replace - these slides can be used on the fly. They are dynamically added to the presentation for playout according to the selected take mode.
We've also improved the loading for slide pool slides. If the slide was originally generated by Slide Creator and named appropriately Integrated Presenter will auto-detect the slide type.

Skip Slide Mode

Integrated Presenter was built around slide-drive-video mode, and there's always been 'normal' mode. Now introducing: skip mode!
In skip mode, clicking next/prev won't change the main output slide. Instead the presentation will track a 'virtual current slide' based on your next/prev commands. Upon exiting skip mode, the next/prev commands will drive to the 'virtual next/previous' slide, and then resync the presentation on the new location.
This should be helpful for fixing out of order slides/ skipping slides we no-longer need.

Experimental - New PreCue Main Display

To help fix the issue where video playout doesn't pre-cue and instead will go to air unloaded we've begun the changes required under the hood to enable this. The Presentation display window now has 3 media players that should have the current, next and prev slide pre-loaded.
This hasn't appeared to fix the video issue (perhaps because of a limitation in WPF). More investigation is underway on this front.

Livestream Service Suite 1.3

21 Nov 02:20
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Improve Slide Creator saving/loading projects. It should hopefully work (read: crash less) a bit better now.
Minor UI changes to Integrated Presenter:
-@carl Kuhl: Lock button has been added on program row

Livestream Service Suite 1.2

01 Nov 05:01
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Integrated Presenter

Minor fixes for configuration.

  • Load config now applies Upstream Key 1 Mask Settings
  • Updated default Downstream Key 1 Mask settings to better match use for liturgy.

Slide Creator

Changed a few commands, adding parameters and minor changes to how they are rendered.
Improved UI status bar and hopefully fixed some of the progress bar issues including saving a project.
** Warning: there still seems to be some issues opening projects. May need to re-add assets.

Added the documentation for Integrated Presenter.
Now added command documentation & examples for Slide Creator

Livestream Service Suite 1.1

25 Oct 02:58
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This release improves upon 1.0 for both Integrated Presenter and Slide Creator! NOW WITH 100% MORE ICONS

Integrated now includes the ability to load different BMD switcher settings from a file.
Additionally Integrated Presenter now includes the ability to connect to a compatible Arduino and send commands (used to control the projector HDMI input switcher). There were also a few qol updates to the mock multiviewer target

Slide Creator has had a major overhaul of its internal liturgy text layout algorithm. It should more elegantly break lines on a slide. It also has the ability to render special LSB symbols as liturgy text. It also support the update to Integrated Presenter's new keying for liturgy. Liturgy is now rendered as white text on black.
Furthermore inserting assets to the slideshow is even better! Now including options to insert as a hymn which will auto detect the portion of the image which is the hymn and auto scale to fill the screen, but keep the correct (93%) border around it. Likewise there is a new button to insert an image as a liturgy image (will be rendered white on black, inverting the original image colors as necessary.
Slide Creator also comes with new commands for even more slide layouts!

  1. 2title (two textboxes vertically centered, one left aligned (bold) the other right aligned)
  2. anthemtitle (top-left: Performer, top-right: Anthem title, bottom-left: accompanists, bottom-right: credits
  3. tlverse (titled liturgy verse. top-left: title, top-right: reference, center textbox: verse text)