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EVOKS repository

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EVOKS (Editor for Vocabularies to Know Semantics) is a software for creating and publishing SKOS vocabularies and thesauri. It allows you to:

  • create a SKOS vocabulary from scratch
  • import SKOS vocabularies in RDF/XML or Turtle format
  • edit SKOS vocabularies without using its textual representation
  • work collaborativley
  • publish the vocabulary with a single click in the vocabulary browser SKOSMOS


Caution This software is only for internal vocabulary development purposes. It is not ready for production and shall not be available for public access when installed.


The main way to install EVOKS and its depending services is to build and run the docker images locally using docker compose.


  • Unix-based system (e.g. Linux, MacOS, Windows using WSL (untested))
  • Installation of

Installation procedure:

  1. Clone this repository:

    user@localhost:/home/user/$ git clone
    Clone to 'EVOKS'
    user@localhost:/home/user/$ cd EVOKS
  2. (until further notice) checkout development branch

    git checkout development
  3. Copy .example.env and rename to .env

  4. Open .env and change the variables if desired, see Overview of variables.

    Caution Change of Fuseki and Postgres credentials is strongly recommended, especially if not installed and used only on a local computer without access from other people

  5. Run docker compose build

  6. Run docker compose up

  7. Open the file within the repo: evoks/evoks/ and update the SKOSMOS URIs:

    SKOSMOS_DEV_URI = "http://<yourserverURL>:<chosen_port_in_evn_file>/"
    SKOSMOS_LIVE_URI = "http://<yourserverURL>:<chosen_port_in_evn_file>/"




    SKOSMOS_DEV_URI = "localhost:8001/"
    SKOSMOS_LIVE_URI = "localhost:8002/"
  8. within adjust the allowed hosts to your needs (usually it should match the serverURL), e.g.

    ALLOWED_HOSTS: list[str] = ['','localhost']
  9. Open <yourserverURL>:${EVOKS_PORT} which was set in .env file (default: 8000), e.g. localhost:8000 in your browser

  10. Very likely, a bug will occur since there are problems with fuseki folder access rights (creating vocabs will fail). Run sudo chmod 777 -R fuseki-dev/ fuseki-live/ then (see issue #)

  11. To stop the services, run docker compose down and to restart docker compose up


VAR NAME Default value Description Change mandatory
INSTANCE_NAME defaultinstance Prefix of docker container names no
EVOKS_PORT 8000 Port of EVOKS no
SKOSMOS_DEV_PORT 8001 Port of Skosmos for vocabulary development no
SKOSMOS_LIVE_PORT 8002 Port of Skosmos for published vocabularies no
EVOKS_MAIL Mailaddress for automatically sending notifications to the instance admin (typically the person who installed the service) no
FUSEKI_USER admin Default fuseki username, change especially if not used locally yes
FUSEKI_PASSWORD fuseki_password Default fuseki password, change especially if not used locally yes
POSTGRES_USER postgres Default postgres username, change especially if not used locally yes
POSTGRES_PASSWORD changeme Default postgres password, change especially if not used locally yes
POSTGRES_PORT 8005 Port of Postgres DB, only needed for code developers no
FUSEKI_DEV_PORT 8003 Port of Fuseki Triple Store, only needed for code developers no
FUSEKI_LIVE_PORT 8004 Port of Fuseki Triple Store (of published vocabularies), only needed for code developers no

Create an administrator

You need to create an administrator account for EVOKS by performing the following steps:

  1. Run docker ps, look for <container_prefix>_web (or ...web_1) container
  2. Run docker exec -it <container_prefix>_web bash (or ...web1 accordingly)
  3. Now you are within the container. Run: python evoks/ createsuperuser
  4. Follow instructions to create a superuser. You can choose whatever username, password and (arbitary) mailaddress you like
  5. Log into EVOKS using the email as username and the chosen password

Further settings (not needed for initial setup)

Configure Mail Server

  1. Edit .env file
  2. Fill out
    in this file. Caution: Be aware that the password is stored as plain text!
  3. Open evoks/evoks/ and configure the SMTP server. E.g. for gmail
    EMAIL_HOST = ''
    EMAIL_PORT = 587

Most of the email providers (e.g. Gmail) do not accept Less Secure Apps by default, so you have to accept Less Secure Apps in the settings of the email you are using.

HTTPs + Domains

  1. Stop containers
  2. See for Caddy setup
  3. Run containers again

For Developers

Execution of Tests (only for developers needed)

Run the unittests:

  1. docker ps, look for <container_prefix>_web_1 container
  2. docker exec -it <container_prefix>_web_1 bash
  3. Within the container: cd evoks
  4. run coverage run --source='.' --omit='*/migrations/*.py','guardian/*','theme/*','evoks/','evoks/','evoks/','','tests/*' test tests/model/ tests/migration/ tests/skosmos/ tests/fuseki/ tests/views/ tests/evoks && coverage html aus.
  5. Open index.html from folder htmlcov with a browser.


EVOKS is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. License owner: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)