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Backup workflow of PeerTube docker stack with rsync or rsnapshot


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💽 backup-peertube

Backup workflow of PeerTube docker stack with rsync or rsnapshot


Before any backup your have to export the PeerTube database, see install-peertube documentation guide.

Mirror Backup

The mirror backup may be between your production server and a remote cloud / FTP.

Production server requirements: rsync and sshpass.

Backup command

$ rsync -av --delete --ignore-times --exclude docker-volume/db /var/peertube/ username@remote-cloud:<backups-absolute-path>/var/peertube/

To include the backup command in a script without password prompt, you might use sshpass before :

$ sshpass -p yourpassword rsync -av --exclude docker-volume/db /var/peertube/ username@remote-cloud:<backups-absolute-path>/var/peertube/ --delete

Basic Restore command only for missing files

$ rsync -av --delete username@remote-cloud:<backups-absolute-path>/var/peertube/ /var/peertube/

Full Restore command

$ rsync -av --delete --ignore-times username@remote-cloud:<backups-absolute-path>/var/peertube /var/peertube

For specific protocol without rsync or SSH support like FTP, you might use rclone.


  • Edit crontab with crontab -u root -e
  • Add this line to run it as docker user every day at 5:25am :
25 5  * * * /usr/bin/peertube-mirror

Incremential Backup

The incremential backup maybe between a local OrangePi / RaspberryPi with a connected external disk and the remote production server.

Local OPI/ RPI requirements : rsync, open-ssh and rsnapshot.

Operating system - fstab

First of all your need to configure :

  • OPI / RPI connected to internet and with a local SSH access;

  • External disk to fstab mounted on a home sub-directory :

Get UUID of your disk:

$ blkid
# /dev/sda1: UUID="7610ebc5-5231-4b59-830e-a9sacb84a" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="62a1e04b-b700-fc4e-5878-78863daf9b34"

Insert the line bellow into /etc/fstab

UUID=<UUID> <mounted-disk-absolute-path> auto    rw,user,auto    0    0

SSH keys

On local OPI / RPI, generate SSH keys:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

At last copy generated SSH keys from local OPI / RPI to the remote production server:

$ ssh-copy-id <user>@<remote-production>

Rsnapshot config

On local OPI / RPI, you need to configure rsnapshot.

Before, you may backup the original configuration:

$ mv /etc/rsnapshot.conf /etc/rsnapshot.conf.backup

And put this configuration into /etc/rsnapshot.conf :

Carefull, the space between args are tabs

config_version  1.2
snapshot_root   <mounted-disk-absolute-path>
cmd_cp    /bin/cp
cmd_rm    /bin/rm
cmd_rsync   /usr/bin/rsync
cmd_ssh   /usr/bin/ssh
cmd_logger    /usr/bin/logger
cmd_du    /usr/bin/du
cmd_rsnapshot_diff    /usr/bin/rsnapshot-diff
interval    hourly    6
interval    daily     7
interval    weekly    4
interval    monthly   3
verbose     2
loglevel    4
lockfile    /var/run/
use_lazy_deletes    1
rsync_numtries      2
rsync_short_args        -a
rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded
backup_exec     ssh <user>@<remote-production> "/usr/sbin/peertube postgres:dump /var/peertube/docker-volume/db.tar"
backup  <user>@<remote-production>:/var/peertube  . exclude=docker-volume/db

Test this configuration with

$ rsnapshot configtest


$ rsnapshot daily

Basic Restore command only for missing files

$ rsync -av --delete <mounted-disk-absolute-path>/daily.<day>/var/pertube/  <user>@<remote-production>:/var/pertube/

Full Restore command

$ rsync -av --delete --ignore-times <mounted-disk-absolute-path>/daily.<day>/var/peertube/  <user>@<remote-production>:/var/pertube/



  • Edit crontab with crontab -u root -e
  • Add this line to run it as docker user every day at 4:25am :
25 4  * * * /usr/bin/rsnapshot daily