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Capture AX25 messages sent by a LASP VHF tracker.

The messages are displayed in a GUI presentations. They are also saved in text and raw data files.


You can download this repository and work from there. But better yet, you can use pip to install it and then run the module:

pip3 install git+
python3 -m TrackerFinder -h
usage: [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-l LOCATION]

Capture AX25 messages sent by a LASP VHF tracker. The two Tracker message
types,APRS and position encoded pings, are decoded. Raw and decoded
messages are logged to .raw and .log files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        APRS device (default: /dev/tty.TH-D74)
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Location of the log files (default: /Users/charlie/)

The messages are typically delivered via the KISS APRS link over
Bluetooth, from a handheld radio. The operating system serial
device name is likely to be different than the default values
provided here. Use 'python -m TrackerFinder.portlist' to display
a list of available serial ports.