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update GitHub actions #10

update GitHub actions

update GitHub actions #10

Workflow file for this run

# This is based on
# <>
# with Diego's permission. The initial workflow YAML skeleton before that was
# based on
# <>
# and
# <>.
# GitHub Actions workflow syntax documentation is here:
# <>.
name: CI
pull_request: {}
- main
workflow_dispatch: {}
# rust_ppc:
# name: Build PPC
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# timeout-minutes: 20
# steps:
# - name: Check out sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: Free up some space on image
# # see
# run: |
# sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet
# shell: bash
# - name: Install Rust with source
# uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
# with:
# components: rust-src
# default: true
# profile: minimal
# toolchain: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - name: Install PowerPC cross-compile dependencies
# run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install qemu-user qemu-user-binfmt gcc-12-powerpc-linux-gnu
# - name: Cross Compile PowerPC
# run: ./
# - name: Run unit tests on PowerPC
# run: ./
# cross_version_sdk:
# # runs the latest realm code built with its particular sdk version
# # with a client built from a specific sdk release.
# name: SDK Cross version test
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# timeout-minutes: 20
# strategy:
# matrix:
# sdk_version: ["0.3.0", "main"]
# steps:
# - name: Check out hsm sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: Check out sdk client sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: "juicebox-systems/juicebox-sdk"
# ref: ${{ matrix.sdk_version }}
# path: "sdk_client"
# submodules: recursive
# - name: setup environment
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup
# with:
# rust_version: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - name: build realm
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# - name: Build client
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# args: --manifest-path sdk_client/rust/cli/demo/Cargo.toml
# - name: Run demo
# run: |
# RUST_BACKTRACE=1 target/debug/demo_runner --demo sdk_client/target/debug/demo
# shell: bash
# cross_version_hsm:
# # Runs the latest realm code against an older version of the software HSM
# # This helps ensure we move the agent code forward without breaking compatability
# # with the deployed and un-updatable hsm code.
# name: HSM Cross version test
# # Use same runner as Lint & Test. See comment there.
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# timeout-minutes: 20
# strategy:
# matrix:
# # Cancel Prepared Transfer fix (PR #462).
# hsm_version: ["19a29d9f7dfd20f210f377d1ff9d22685d238ea1"]
# steps:
# - name: Check out sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: Check out versioned hsm
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# ref: ${{ matrix.hsm_version }}
# path: "versioned_hsm"
# submodules: recursive
# - name: Setup environment
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup
# with:
# rust_version: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - name: Build versioned software HSM
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# args: --manifest-path versioned_hsm/Cargo.toml -p software_hsm
# - name: Build realm
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# - name: Run realm tests with versioned software HSM
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: test
# env:
# SOFTWARE_HSM_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/versioned_hsm/target/debug
name: Swift Demo
runs-on: macos-latest
timeout-minutes: 20
- name: Check out sources
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: recursive
- name: Setup docker
shell: bash
run: |
brew install docker colima
colima version
colima start --cpu 3 --memory 6 --disk 100 --vm-type=qemu --mount-type=sshfs --dns=
- name: Remove android emulator
# This is on the path and clashes with the bigtable emulator which is also
# called emulator.
shell: bash
run: |
rm /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator || true
- name: Setup environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup
rust_version: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
- name: Run cargo build
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: build
- name: Build FFI
run: cd sdk && ./swift/
- name: Use Swift Cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: sdk/swift/demo/.build
key: ${{ runner.os }}-spm-${{ hashFiles('**/Package.resolved') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-spm-
- name: Build Swift Demo
run: cd sdk/swift/demo && swift build --verbose
- name: Run demo
run: |
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 target/debug/demo_runner --minimal --demo sdk/swift/demo/.build/debug/demo
shell: bash
# lint_and_test:
# name: Lint & Test
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# timeout-minutes: 30
# steps:
# - name: Check out sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: setup environment
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup
# with:
# rust_version: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - name: Run cargo build
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# - name: Print build info
# run: target/debug/load_balancer --version
# - name: Run cargo test
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --workspace --exclude 'entrust*' --package entrust_ops
# command: test
# env:
# - name: Run cargo fmt
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --all -- --check
# command: fmt
# - name: Run clippy
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --workspace --tests --exclude 'entrust*' --package entrust_ops -- -D warnings
# command: clippy
# - name: Install graphviz
# run: sudo apt install graphviz
# - name: Delete Merkle tree paper outputs
# run: |
# rm -r docs/merkle_tree/
# git restore --source HEAD \
# docs/merkle_tree/intro/ \
# docs/merkle_tree/intro/stacked_box.png \
# docs/merkle_tree/storage/ \
# docs/merkle_tree/merkle.typ \
# docs/merkle_tree/references.bib \
# docs/merkle_tree/template.typ \
# docs/merkle_tree/
# - name: Compile Merkle tree paper
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: run
# args: --package merkle_tree_docgen
# - name: Check Merkle tree paper outputs
# run: git diff --exit-code -- docs/merkle_tree
# - name: Run Merkle tree paper Python
# run: python3 docs/merkle_tree/
# - name: Check SDK dependency versions agree
# run: ./scripts/
# wasm_demo:
# name: WASM Demo
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# timeout-minutes: 20
# steps:
# - name: Check out sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: setup environment
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup
# with:
# rust_version: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
# with:
# # it's not possible to pin certs yet with the experimental fetch in node 18,
# # and our polyfill doesn't work well in 18. stick with 16 for now.
# node-version: 16
# - uses: jetli/wasm-pack-action@v0.4.0
# - name: Build WASM
# run: wasm-pack build sdk/rust/sdk/bridge/wasm --out-dir ../../../../javascript/juicebox-sdk --out-name juicebox-sdk --target nodejs
# - name: NPM Install
# run: |
# cd sdk/javascript/demo
# npm install
# npm install -g ts-node
# - name: Run cargo build
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# command: build
# - name: Run demo
# run: |
# RUST_BACKTRACE=1 target/debug/demo_runner --demo sdk/javascript/demo/demo.ts
# shell: bash
# Disabled, as the ncipher-shield-firmware is not proprietary and no longer hosted by us
# in a way that Github Actions can access.
# entrust:
# name: Build Entrust
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# timeout-minutes: 20
# steps:
# - name: Check out sources
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# - name: Install Rust
# uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
# with:
# components: clippy, rustfmt, rust-src
# default: true
# profile: minimal
# toolchain: ${{ env.INSTALL_RUST_VERSION }}
# - name: Use Rust Cache
# uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
# uses: google-github-actions/auth@v1
# with:
# credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT }}'
# - name: Download Codesafe from Google Cloud Storage
# run: |
# gcloud storage cp 'gs://ncipher-nshield-firmware/2023-08 v13.4 codesafe firmware secworld/' .
# echo '7d6eaff0548d90143d35834f1ea1cf092321e9003e10e14895a01a6f412adadb' | sha256sum -c -
# - name: Install Codesafe
# run: |
# unzip
# 7z e Codesafe_Lin64-13.4.3.iso linux/amd64/csd.tar.gz
# sudo tar -C / -xf csd.tar.gz
# rm Codesafe_Lin64-13.4.3.iso csd.tar.gz
# - name: Run clippy (entrust* crates)
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --tests --package 'entrust*' -- -D warnings
# command: clippy
# - name: Run cargo build (entrust* crates)
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --package 'entrust*'
# command: build
# - name: Run cargo test (entrust* crates)
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --package 'entrust*'
# command: test
# env:
# - name: Run release build
# uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
# with:
# args: --all --release
# command: build
# - name: Run cargo build (PPC entrust_hsm.elf)
# run: ./entrust_hsm/ --features insecure
# - name: Publish build to GCP bucket
# if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
# run: |
# PROJECT='juicebox-infra'
# # bucket is sha1("ci-builds\n")
# GSPATH="9c39e3ca5fca69f058b9e673aef193b10d9e8c48/${{github.sha}}/"
# gcloud storage cp \
# "target/release/cluster" \
# "target/release/cluster_bench" \
# "target/release/cluster_manager" \
# "target/release/load_balancer" \
# "target/release/service_checker" \
# "target/release/software_agent" \
# "target/release/software_hsm" \
# "target/release/chaos" \
# "target/release/entrust_agent" \
# "target/release/entrust_init" \
# "target/release/entrust_ops" \
# "target/powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu/release/entrust_hsm.elf" \
# "gs://$GSPATH/"