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Source of my personal homepage.

Built on Google App Engine with the Flask micro framework and some cool flask extensions too.

You can easily convert this into a static site builder if needed :)

Run Locally

  1. Install the App Engine Python SDK. See the README file for directions. You'll need python 2.7 and pip 1.4 or later installed too.

  2. Clone this repo with

    git clone
  3. Install dependencies in the project's lib directory. Note: App Engine can only import libraries from inside your project directory.

    pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
  4. Change the BASE_URL value to point to your address

  5. Edit app.yaml with the appropriate app id

  6. I prefer to build the sitemap and feeds locally before uploading them as static files. You can dynamically generate it and write to the datastore or Google cloud storage. If you prefer option 1 like I do, then run the following to build them in place.

    python build
  7. Run this project locally from the command line: .

Visit the application http://localhost:8080

See the development server documentation for options when running dev_appserver.


Please don't deploy this as is It's my personal blog/site. See the licensingfor more details.

Important note again: You can't republish the blog with its contents as-is anywhere on the internet. Personalise it as much as you can. Don't hesitate to use the issue tracker if you want something explained

Now that that's out of the way, to deploy the application:

  1. Use the Admin Console to create a project/app id. (App id and project id are identical)

  2. Edit Makefile and replace PROJECT_ID variable with your project id

  3. Deploy the application with

    make deploy


    gcloud app deploy --project <<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>>
  4. Congratulations! Your site is now live at


Star this repo if you found it useful. Use the github issue tracker to give feedback on this repo.


Contents in ./pages (blog posts and talks) are Copyright of Jeffrey Godwyll.

All the rest including Python code, templates, CSS & javascript are licensed under the MIT License. You're free to use them and link back to OR not :)
