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Rest assured cucumber based Behaviour driven development style, API automation project for automating the -

This project has tests for the LIST QUOTES and Fav Quotes end points automated.


  1. Maven
  2. Cucumber-JVM
  3. JUnit
  4. Java 8
  5. TestNG
  6. Log4j
  7. Rest-assured
  8. Gson
  9. Json
  10. Fasterxml-jackson


In order to utilise this project you need to have the following installed locally:

  1. Maven 3
  2. Java 1.8
  3. You will need to create an account to generate an api key at


The project is broken into separate modules for API testing.

To run all modules, navigate to quotes-api-automation directory and run:

  1. Navigate to /src/test/java/com/hmh/cucumber/ directory and right click on CucumberRunner java file or Alternatively run below commands from the terminal
  2. mvn clean
  3. mvn install
  4. mvn test
  5. Go to reports/cucumber-html-report and open the index.html file in a browser to view the test results in readable format

To be done in future:

  1. Add extenstsreport plugin for reporting
  2. Parameterize tests to run based on tags
  3. Framework improvements for Design patterns usage