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Risk Score

Andi Morris edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The Risk Score is a mechanism to help prioritise remediation. It is calculated based on the Exploit Cost and the number of non-admin users exposed to that attack path. The more users that are exposed, and the lower the exploit cost, the higher the risk score.
It is not intended to be a risk assessment in and of itself, and the intention is not to assign severities such as Critical, High, Medium etc to certain scores.

The score is calculated using the following formula:

Risk Score = (MaxExploitCostPossible - ExploitCost) / MaxExploitCostPossible * %ofEnabledNon-AdminUserswiththepath

MaxExploitCostPossible is 3 * the maximum number of hops seen across all attack paths. 3 is chosen because it is the highest score any single hop in an attack path can have.

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