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Haberler is a news application which allows the reading a newsletter sites on one application the Haberler application is now in the Google Playstore you can search and download with this name "Haberler | Ücretsiz Haber Servisi".


Use npm or yarn for installing node_modules and run this command for the dependencies

npm install

After that open command prompt or terminal run

react-native run-android # Android

or for Ios

react-native run-ios # For ios buildings and testings

after theese commands the Haberler mobile application will start into the emulator devices or development devices


The Haberler mobile applicaiton tested only in android so you will be face to face with errors on Ios builds and testing. Be avare of this situation.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
