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Tom Hewitt edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Bugzilla Live uses a config file or comma separated numbers to retrieve bugs. The list of bugs specified in the config file is shown in the table, and is colour co-ordinated to the status of the bug, for example, ‘Critical’ bugs are red.

Bugzilla Live refreshes itself every 30 seconds. If an bug has been changed since the last refresh, the table is updated to reflect the changes as well.

At the bottom of the UI is information about the number of certain types of bug. Also listed are the total number of bugs, and when the UI was last refreshed.

At the top are buttons to perform actions for bugs. Enter a bug number in the field and use Search or Open in Bugzilla to perform that action on the number entered.

The bug table shows the information about the current displayed bugs. Clicking the bug number hyperlink will open it in Bugzilla. Right clicking on an bug will open the Context Menu.

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